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WMC as the backend - released
That's weird because I have no problem, I am watching a live-tv Seinfeld as I type this and I can skip forward and backward no problem. (Its the one with about Elaine's dad - great episode).
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
(2013-11-19, 03:45)krustyreturns Wrote:
(2013-11-18, 21:17)Doomsday01 Wrote: This is the error I am getting when I try to watch any channel from the raspberry. In media center on the pc, it works fine. Any ideas? I have the correct ip in the pvr plugin. Currently running serverwmc 1095 on my pc.

NOTICE: Thread COMXPlayer start, auto delete: false
14:08:32 T:2734281824 NOTICE: Creating InputStream

14:08:41 T:2734281824 ERROR: COMXPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [pvr://channels/tv$
14:08:41 T:2734281824 NOTICE: COMXPlayer::OnExit()

I can't tell from looking at this. I need to see the server log (just post a link to it, make sure that is has a failed run on it). Before that though, make sure the client has access to the recording tv folder that wmc uses and that it has credentials set so that it can access it (see folder tab for both).

Here ya go. http://pastebin.com/1uPvnd0Y

I tried with both user credentials on and off in the server config.
(2013-11-19, 06:35)Doomsday01 Wrote: Here ya go. http://pastebin.com/1uPvnd0Y

I tried with both user credentials on and off in the server config.

I looks like the client is not able to find the stream file. You have to have credentials turned on somewhere with non-windows clients (although an exception has been reported to this, see darkslayer's post in the wiki thread). Can you send me the log with credentials turned on?
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
(2013-11-19, 06:35)Doomsday01 Wrote: Here ya go. http://pastebin.com/1uPvnd0Y

I tried with both user credentials on and off in the server config.

I'm thinking you have your path on the folders tab as smb://WWIV/Recorded TV try changing it to \\WWIV\Recorded TV note backslashes and no smb:
If I have been of help, please add to my reputation as a way of saying thanks, it's free.
Actually the path is correct. I found the issue. The credentials format I was using was wrong. I was thinking I needed to provide machine name\user id and as it turns out, I just needed user id. Appears to be working great now. Thanks for looking into it for me!!!
Quick question: I watched the football game tonight and happened to turn on task manager (using RDP from another account) midway through. This is a new Win7 build so I'm just trying to get a handle on the resource usage. I was surprised to see the XBMC process using over 700 megs of RAM. I watched it slowly grow over the course of an hour to almost 900 megs. After the game finished I stopped it and I noticed the RAM usage retreated only a little bit (maybe reducing by 50 megs or so). So I restarted XBMC and let it sit on the home menu for a few minutes, watched the RAM usage and saw no increase. I then started Live TV playback and noticed it slowly grow again. It's been playing for about 15 minutes and it's steadily grown about 3 megs per minute, gaining about 45 megs over the 15 minutes.

Anyway, probably not a big deal but I just thought I'd ask. I'm going to bed now, but tomorrow I'll try a more careful test with perf monitor to see if I can capture an hour of "home menu" followed by an hour of "live tv" and then another hour of "home menu" again. I'm also running Aeon MQ5 right now, so maybe that has something to do with it. I'll try the test with Confluence. I'm running Windows 7-64, XBMC 12.2, with an HDHomerun Prime.

Thanks again for this excellent PVR add-in. It's working really well for me and the fam!
(2013-11-19, 07:22)awp0 Wrote: Quick question: I watched the football game tonight and happened to turn on task manager (using RDP from another account) midway through. This is a new Win7 build so I'm just trying to get a handle on the resource usage. I was surprised to see the XBMC process using over 700 megs of RAM. I watched it slowly grow over the course of an hour to almost 900 megs. After the game finished I stopped it and I noticed the RAM usage retreated only a little bit (maybe reducing by 50 megs or so). So I restarted XBMC and let it sit on the home menu for a few minutes, watched the RAM usage and saw no increase. I then started Live TV playback and noticed it slowly grow again. It's been playing for about 15 minutes and it's steadily grown about 3 megs per minute, gaining about 45 megs over the 15 minutes.

Anyway, probably not a big deal but I just thought I'd ask. I'm going to bed now, but tomorrow I'll try a more careful test with perf monitor to see if I can capture an hour of "home menu" followed by an hour of "live tv" and then another hour of "home menu" again. I'm also running Aeon MQ5 right now, so maybe that has something to do with it. I'll try the test with Confluence. I'm running Windows 7, XBMC 12.2, with an HDHomerun Prime.

Thanks again for this excellent PVR add-in. It's working really well for me and the fam!

I wrote the stuff that follows but then realized you are talking about xbmc not serverwmc - so the stuff below doesn't apply - but I wrote it and thought it was interesting so I am keeping it in, feel free to ignore it. Since you are talking about xbmc, I doubt my little pvr client could have such a severe leak, but its c++ so its possible. I'll be interested to hear what you find if you get back to it.
Yeah please do. Certainly the remuxer uses ram, it creates a buffer in memory for queuing up a number of packets, but this will reach a steady state very quickly and once a packet is written to disk the memory for it is discarded. However with .net, reclaiming discarded memory is the responsibility of the system's garbage collector (that's one of the reasons why I came to love c# and cringe when I go back to c++). So memory could grow for quite a while before the gc decides its time to start reclaiming memory. So if you watch it long enough (but you might have to keep the stream on for a very long time depending on your system) you should see the memory get reclaimed before there is a problem.

Having said that, I have run streams for hours but never bothered looking at the memory usage so I would like to know what you find. I could have a memory leak but I doubt it (I dared myself to write that).
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Hi awp0,

Can you also profile the resource usage when watching normal video files with XBMC, and possibly even when using LiveTV but with a different backend/client setup to ours? Obviously the intention is to establish whether thios resource usage is the result of this addon, or XBMC itself

Also it wasnt clear whether this is a remote client running only XBMC and pvr.wmc addon, or whether this box is also running the backend ServerWMC process
pvr.wmc TV addon and ServerWMC Backend Development Team
(2013-11-19, 06:51)Dilligaf Wrote:
(2013-11-19, 06:35)Doomsday01 Wrote: Here ya go. http://pastebin.com/1uPvnd0Y

I tried with both user credentials on and off in the server config.

I'm thinking you have your path on the folders tab as smb://WWIV/Recorded TV try changing it to \\WWIV\Recorded TV note backslashes and no smb:

FYI, I am internally storing the network path in samba format for the shares - that's why you are seeing this.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
(2013-11-19, 07:56)krustyreturns Wrote:
(2013-11-19, 07:22)awp0 Wrote: Quick question: I watched the football game tonight and happened to turn on task manager (using RDP from another account) midway through. This is a new Win7 build so I'm just trying to get a handle on the resource usage. I was surprised to see the XBMC process using over 700 megs of RAM. I watched it slowly grow over the course of an hour to almost 900 megs. After the game finished I stopped it and I noticed the RAM usage retreated only a little bit (maybe reducing by 50 megs or so). So I restarted XBMC and let it sit on the home menu for a few minutes, watched the RAM usage and saw no increase. I then started Live TV playback and noticed it slowly grow again. It's been playing for about 15 minutes and it's steadily grown about 3 megs per minute, gaining about 45 megs over the 15 minutes.

Anyway, probably not a big deal but I just thought I'd ask. I'm going to bed now, but tomorrow I'll try a more careful test with perf monitor to see if I can capture an hour of "home menu" followed by an hour of "live tv" and then another hour of "home menu" again. I'm also running Aeon MQ5 right now, so maybe that has something to do with it. I'll try the test with Confluence. I'm running Windows 7, XBMC 12.2, with an HDHomerun Prime.

Thanks again for this excellent PVR add-in. It's working really well for me and the fam!

I wrote the stuff that follows but then realized you are talking about xbmc not serverwmc - so the stuff below doesn't apply - but I wrote it and thought it was interesting so I am keeping it in, feel free to ignore it. Since you are talking about xbmc, I doubt my little pvr client could have such a severe leak, but its c++ so its possible. I'll be interested to hear what you find if you get back to it.
Yeah please do. Certainly the remuxer uses ram, it creates a buffer in memory for queuing up a number of packets, but this will reach a steady state very quickly and once a packet is written to disk the memory for it is discarded. However with .net, reclaiming discarded memory is the responsibility of the system's garbage collector (that's one of the reasons why I came to love c# and cringe when I go back to c++). So memory could grow for quite a while before the gc decides its time to start reclaiming memory. So if you watch it long enough (but you might have to keep the stream on for a very long time depending on your system) you should see the memory get reclaimed before there is a problem.

Having said that, I have run streams for hours but never bothered looking at the memory usage so I would like to know what you find. I could have a memory leak but I doubt it (I dared myself to write that).

Thanks Krusty. Last night I switched to confluence, restarted XBMC, and turned on perf monitor with XBMC.exe selected as the only counter (RAM). I left the main menu open all night and this morning I turned on Live TV. I'll let that run for 1.5 hours or so (until I leave for work) and then stop it and return to main menu. Later today I'll stop the per monitor counter and see what the graph looks like. I'm hopeful that the RAM is reclaimed sometime after I stop it.

So far I can see that my XBMC process RAM usage does seem to steadily increase with LiveTV running, even with Confluence. This seems very reproducible in my environment. Later tonight or tomorrow I'll have to troubleshoot from here. Maybe temporarily delete my Userdata folder and try from a "vanilla" install.

Scarecrow: Yes, that will be a good test to ensure it's not a more generic problem with video playback in my XBMC environment. I will test this (probably tonight). Also, this is my main XBMC machine. It's running XBMC, outputing to TV via HDMI and sometimes serving content to a couple of Raspberry Pi's (which were not used last night or today). It also hosts MCE and serverwmc. It's an i3-3225 with 8 gigs of RAM, running Win7-64. I'm running with MySQL.
ShockedShockedShockedyou wake up early Sleepy
(2013-11-19, 14:26)awp0 Wrote: I'll let that run for 1.5 hours or so (until I leave for work) and then stop it and return to main menu.

I just noticed that whenever I start up the serverWMC my HDD where the RecordedTV is located gets written to continuously at about 1MB/s. I never seen this on previous releases.

Is this expected? I tried turning off logging but it still writes to the drive.

Windows 8.1 x64
server 1095
Frodo 12.2

(2013-11-19, 16:36)jeffj9930 Wrote: Hi,

Windows 8.1 x64
server 1095
Frodo 12.2


In the live-tv tab, turn off pre-start tuners.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
(2013-11-19, 17:00)krustyreturns Wrote:
(2013-11-19, 16:36)jeffj9930 Wrote: Hi,

Windows 8.1 x64
server 1095
Frodo 12.2


In the live-tv tab, turn off pre-start tuners.

Glad your mommy and daddy made you KrustyReturns. Thanks.

Hmmmm.....What's the best way to attach an image to a thread? Following is a dropbox link, but I don't know if it will work:


I've completed the test, and it shows a steep memory increase while watching Live TV (which starts at about 7:00am and stops at about 8:30am). The memory does not appear to be freed after the Live TV stops.

This could very well be related to my specific environment. I'd be interested to see if any other Windows users notice this behavior. Start Task Manager, locate XBMC process, and monitor the memory for at least 15 minutes or so while watching Live TV. If it's like mine, you'll see an immediate steep increase (to be expected) and then a gradual but steady increase for the duration of your Live TV session, about 45MB over 15 minutes.

Over the next couple of days when I have time, I will run the following tests:
1. A similar test as above, but viewing a normal HD video from my video library (instead of Live TV)
2. I'll temporarily delete my userdata folder and try the Live TV test again, to see if it's something to do with my settings. Not sure if there's anything else I should change to make my environment more "vanilla"?

Anyway, this isn't a show stopper for me or anything like that. I used to schedule a nightly XBMC restart, and I can do it again.

Edit: clarification on the chart that I posted: It has a weird scale. The "10" in the Y axis actually corresponds to 100MB of RAM. So the process stays steady at about 75MB, then it jumps to about 150MB when LiveTV starts, and then it steadily rises to something like 350MB over the course of about 80 minutes. Last night it want quite high over several hours of live football, reaching almost a gig (at that time I was running Aeon MQ5 skin, which also seems to add at least 100MB to the footprint).

Edit2: Much cleaner version of the chart. Corrected scale, added grid, darkened line:

Looks like the actual increase is from 149 (after the initial "jump") to 400 in the span of 80 minutes. So it's about 3MB per minute.
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