New Script: YouTube2
I found this in the Youtube2 README under known bugs

"When you play a video clip YouTube redirects you to a mirror hosting the file. Some of these mirrors run lighttpd, and some run Apache httpd. The files hosted on lighttpd can't be played due to a bug in the video engine Xbox Media Center uses."

I was wondering if anyone knew if or when this bug will be fixed. I did find that using the context menu and clicking details those videos that displayed a thumbnail were playable and those that didn't did not play. Therefore if the bug is not going to be fixed until the next build I was wondering if there was a way to display thumbnails of the Youtube videos instead of a list. I seem to remember a while back that one of the youtube scripts did show thumbnails, though I cannot remember which one.

As for the DVD player cache I do not know when it stopped using it, I just seem to remember reading it somewhere in the tvlinks thread.

Is there any way to access more than just the 10 or so videos from User Favorites that it shows?
Can anyone explain to me why I cant find half the youtube vids I go looking for? example, if I go to youtube from my pc and search for kitty kat then one of the top results is a silly dancing cat thing my daughter loves, yet if I do the same search using this script on the xbox then I dont get that video at allHuh

When I playback Youtube video .flv files using the MPlayer then the videos play fine for about one minute and then the MPlayer suddenly stops like the end of file has been reached. I expect this to be a buffering problem. I have tested with a number of T3CH builds, also the latests of Nov 4. All builds have the same behavior.

Does someone else using the Youtube script have this same behavior? Was there a way to solve this?

Thanks for your response.

Hey Rodejo,
Im not sure abt it, but i thinks that something's wrong with the latest codecs. When I updated my T3CH Build to the latest one (November 4th), I wasnt able to play both divx and flv files... Then i just "downdated" (so weird to say... lol) to the rev10582, keeping the scrapers update.

Dunno if it'll work out, try, its better than nothing :p
Problem Ive noticed is when I view adult contented clips they dont play. Any others are fine. When I click to play one, it says
Quote:This clip may contain inappropiate content. Do you want to watch it anyway?
When I click either YES or NO, they both say:
Quote:Unable to play the video clip.
I can log in fine and my youtube account allows for adult content.
Nice job on the new version. Plays most of my files so far.

I was wondering if there was a way to save your user info so you son't need to re-enter it everytime.


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New Script: YouTube20