Bug Data18.com Scraper Mod - Help Please
I think data18 changed something, is no longer appearing more actors in the scene. Tested in various scenes, including re-did scrape scenes he had done, and not add more scraper.

Someone who knows tidy scrapper could check and try to fix it?

I've sent PM to the creator, but he does not answer.

EDIT: Link Scrapper http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=165432
Hi AiWaBR,

I've updated my scraper which I believe should fix the issue you or anyone else is experiencing with actors. You can download the new version from the thread you linked to.
DoctorD it seams that the data18 content is working great but the regular data18 scraper is not. I tested and looks like it is not pulling actors. I also noticed movies weren't being grouped into sets that should be. Hopefully this is a quick and easy fix for you. thanks for your work on the content scraper. It works great!
Agreed, the web content one still works great. The regular data18 scraper for dvds and blurays only appears to pull in the title and cover now and nothing else.

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Data18.com Scraper Mod - Help Please0