Rescraping all my tv series automatically?
I notice the scrape media is greyed out when you select TV shows.

I would like to rescrape all my TV series as they are missing some thumbnails. Doing it manually one by one is going to take days.

Can it be done automatically like the movies?
You can mark multiple shows in list and start rescrape, but every show needs a confirmation.
(2013-12-11, 09:24)DanCooper Wrote: You can mark multiple shows in list and start rescrape, but every show needs a confirmation.

Thanks. I know. Thats the problem. Is there no way to auto scrape and select show automatically like with the movies. With a large TV collection it will take ages to rescrape Sad

Can it be added as a feature request?
It's already on the feature list for 1.4.x =)

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Rescraping all my tv series automatically?0