XBMC 12.3 no audio output
first thing in there is _pulseaudio_. Did you even read what everyone else in this thread did to solve the issue?
Why do you even have pulse installed, this is not default on xbmcbuntu, so you installed it yourself.
i updated like i said befor. after the update i have pule audio in xbmc audio setting. then i uninstalled pulse audio and i got audio in xbmcubuntu but in xbmc (under setting->system->audio) there was error-no sound devices
(2013-12-30, 18:52)umrotzer Wrote: after the update i have pule audio in xbmc audio setting.
You may have this appearing, but the point is pulseaudio shouldn't be used. I suspect pulseaudio's still there and the update just picked up this erroneous entry and reflected it in the list of options.

AIUI, if it's appearing, something's wrong - PulseAudio's interfering with the other underlying audio subsystem (Alsa). Ensure it's removed completely (there arenumerous forum posts to guide you through this)

(2013-12-30, 18:52)umrotzer Wrote: then i uninstalled pulse audio and i got audio in xbmcubuntu but in xbmc (under setting->system->audio) there was error-no sound devices

Does that mean you have sound if you drop to a XBMCbuntu desktop but not once you start XBMC itself?
that' s right. i uninstalled pulseaudio like it mention on first page. after this i have sound over hdmi wenn i'm on xbmcubuntu desktop. but wenn i switch back to xbmc alone there is no sound and in sound settings (on both) only is the message error-no sound device installed

i've done this

sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio libasound2-plugins
sudo reboot
dpkg -l |grep pulse | pastebinit

amixer | pastebinit
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
thanks all of you.(after i've done fritsch last post) my sound is back!
lol - that last post did absolutely nothing despite gathering some logfiles.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
My guess is and most likely turned his volume up.
(2013-12-30, 23:13)uNiversal Wrote: My guess is and most likely turned his volume up.

But, then why did his XBMC complain in the audio settings 'error-no sound device installed' ?
Strange !
Because you are dedicated to alternatives except removing Pulseaudio? idk but my guess is user error, Im very good at recognising what I myself been guilty of.
I was just giving an alternative solution for users that don't want to completely get rid of pulseaudio. I did this with the best intenions. Why so rude ?
@Masher: You did nothing wrong. Thanks for helping, I appreciate this.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
OK, thanx fritsch ;-)
I started experiencing the same issue as the other people in this thread after upgrading my XBMCBuntu install from 12.2 to 12.3 via the official PPA. As best I can tell from looking at my apt logs, it appears that pulse was installed 8 months ago, but must have been disabled until the upgrade.

I didn't even notice anything had changed until I realized that my custom ALSA 5.1 mappings were no longer taking effect (XBMC/ALSA, and apparently pulseaudio get it wrong out of the box for my nVidia ION HDMI chipset). I then noticed that DTS and AC3 videos had no sound at all, indicating that there was a passthrough problem. I then checked XBMC's audio settings and it said it was using PulseAudio for normal output and HDMI for passthrough.

At any rate, following fritsch's instructions to remove pulse fixed things for me too.

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XBMC 12.3 no audio output0