I absolutely love this skin. It's fantastic, and I can't wait for the Gotham compatable release. And I love the new homescreen, it is beautiful! I love fullscreen fanart and the clean and professional look of the TV Show for instance. Can't wait!
I do have one request however.
My favorite view is the Gallery because it shows the fanart with the logo imposed over it. However it only does it in the TV view and not the movie view. I'd love for it to use the logo on both.
However more than that, I found these fullscreen fanart views in Nox 4:
Is there any way you could add fullscreen fanart views like these, or similar to the new homescreen, only with logos?
I know nothing about skinning so I don't know if thats a lot to ask or not, I'm hoping it's easy.
I prefer the logo size in the Dexter one, and wish there were perhaps small arrow indicators on the left and right sides of the screen. Or perhaps a number in the upper left like your new homescreen has that says 43 of 200 or whatever. Just to communicate the scrolling direction.
My lady prefers when there are logos on either side so that she can see what movie comes next, but in the Nox view that does that, the logo in the center is much smaller than the ones above, and the ones to either side are nearly the same size. I think a big center logo looks better with the logos to either side being 1/3 or 1/4 the size prevents taking away the focus from the current show/movie.
Anyway, I don't know if anyone else would appreciate views like this as much as I would, but I hope so. I'm a big fan of logos.
Thanks again for all your hard work. You are insanely talented and I adore this skin!