Posts: 358
Joined: Jun 2009
Does your ustvnow plugin work with the super hi Def content they provide? The premium plans that cost like $200 a month? I'm trialling them now and they are really really good but not sure if they work with this as they seem to use a different process then the normal ustvnow channels
Posts: 374
Joined: Jul 2011
ustvnow has a 25$ plan with like 50+ channels i had all of those working in ptvl with ep guide info to, but i never heard of a 200$ plan.
Posts: 26
Joined: Mar 2007
Where is this magical plan with 50+ channels? All I see is maybe 30 for $29.
Posts: 7,286
Joined: May 2011
How are things running? USTVnow autotune still an issue for some?
I'm pushing some small code updates tomorrow... Going to put a hold on new stuff... so I can go back and clean up some old code...
Has anyone noticed any performance increases during channel building with the new caching system?