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Amazon Fire TV for XBMC
(2014-04-06, 06:06)Netix Wrote: Anyone plugged a kill-a-watt on the FireTV ? Would like to know the power consumption of that little box.
And, is there a way to watch live stream from a browser on the FireTV ? (For Hockey game Smile)
Id also like to know the power usage.
This should help you install flash once you have firefox on the fire tv.
From the logs posted, tt sees it as a keyboard, so a keyboard.xml file with the following button presses:

1-2: ignored

3: <up>, <down>, <left>, <right>
4: <return>
6: <menu>
8: <play_pause>
9: <backspace>

We already know that 5 is the Android home button and isn't accessible to XBMC yet. 7 and 10 are the FF and RW buttons, but they didn't seem to record any actions in the logs. Do they work in XBMC?
(2014-04-06, 06:46)elmerohueso Wrote: My desired setup would be:
1. (not a button) Microphone
2. Ignore (it's tied directly into the Amazon search. Once rooted, hopefully this could be opened up to voice typing or something)
3. Up/Down/Left/Right, Short/Long Skips (during playback)
4. Select, Show OSD (during playback)
5. Ignore (it's tied in the Fire TV Home screen. Once rooted, hopefully could make it go to the XBMC home screen)
6. More Info, Show Codec Info (during playback)
7. Fast forward, Skip Track on Hold (can XBMC interpret button hold duration?)
8. Play/Pause
9. Back, Stop (during playback, that's how ATV2 did it, and I sort of liked that)
10. Rewind, Previous Track on Hold (can XBMC interpret button hold duration?)

For me, volume could be ignored as I'd rather change the volume on the TV/receiver itself, rather than XBMC.
Anyone have desired changes/additions for a keymap?

Not sure about the holds. For everything else, this should be all you need:

save as keyboard.xml to userdata (wiki)/keymaps/ :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Alternative keymaps for Fire TV remote (wiki)
I am also willing to help donate a box to koying. Best, fastest and cheapest method would be to get someone from this forum to send a box. send it as used box, and lower the value, and it should go through fine.

This is an amazing box.
thanks a lot Ned! will be very useful
If Koying thinks it would help him then I'm sure the XBMC Foundation's Board of Directors would trust his judgment and invest in a box on to send to him. We have lots of Team members in the US that would be happy to relay the package, too. That's up to them, and for all we know Koying might not want or can't invest time specifically into the Fire TV. Google just announced their new relaunch of Google TV as Android TV, after all.
(2014-04-06, 10:33)Ned Scott Wrote: If Koying thinks it would help him then I'm sure the XBMC Foundation's Board of Directors would trust his judgment and invest in a box on to send to him. We have lots of Team members in the US that would be happy to relay the package, too. That's up to them, and for all we know Koying might not want or can't invest time specifically into the Fire TV. Google just announced their new relaunch of Google TV as Android TV, after all.

Despite Google's relaunch, I have a feeling it'll be really splintered among everyone who creates a new box (Samsung, ASUS, LG) while Amazon's box might just be the most popular one. I don't think others would have packed such a punch in a $100 box. If Amazon becomes the most popular choice, which I believe it will, I think it'll be well worth the time.
Fire TV is Android with a custom launcher. Maybe they might have the marketing power to make it the best choice, since it will be able to catch on and get support from others, etc, but from a development standpoint, it's just another Android box.
so, in comparison (and i know that the xbmc isnt nearly done to be optimized for the fire tv) how much faster than the ouya can one expect this to be?
(2014-04-06, 10:57)Ned Scott Wrote: Fire TV is Android with a custom launcher. Maybe they might have the marketing power to make it the best choice, since it will be able to catch on and get support from others, etc, but from a development standpoint, it's just another Android box.

Yes, I know its another Android box, but they have enough capital to come up with yearly releases and to sustain their own separate eco-system. (since their app store is different). Even Samsung gives up on their old phones as they don't want to waste time and money to make it compatible with new Android releases, but Amazon will most likely do what Apple does and keep everything up to date.

More importantly though, they also have their own netflix competitor in the form of Prime. This alone will lure tons of people. And Amazon is known to release products at a loss or break-even prices, knowing they'll re-coop the money in sales of other things; which usually mean best hardware for the price. Other Android distributors do not have that luxury.
Let's give the Fire some time to settle down.
It's day one of its existence, and we all know a tech product is rarely bug-free on launch, those days.

The mediacodec/libstagefright code is working perfectly on dozens of devices, so my assumption right now is that a firmware update or two might solve the current issues by itself.
It seems the "XBMC on OUYA" 12.3.2 or SPMC 12.3.3 (those are Frodo) are viable backup solutions for now.

If, after the next firmware update or two, the issues are still there, then it might be worth to somehow have one shipped to me for deeper debugging.
I've read about people replacing the FireTV remote with another one, I wonder though... Do USB remotes/keyboards work only once inside XBMC or do they work as well for the FireTV interface? 'Cause it would be a pain having the use the oficial remote to get to XBMC and then switch.
(2014-04-06, 06:19)thess Wrote: I even tried to get the Harmony software to spoof being a K400 Logitech and then connecting the k400 dongle. But whatever the dongle is expecting to receive, the smart hub emitter seemingly does not send. (The smart control hub will do Bluetooth and talk to, say, a ps3 I think, but I suspect it's different with a device that expects to pair.)

I may eventually get a flirc.
I own an Harmony Smarthub, and those are bluetooth enabled.
Unfortunately, the bluetooth part only works for PS3 so far.

I'm sure that if enough users ask for it to Amazon, they'll sit with Logitech to have a bluetooth Fire profile added to the Harmony database (if not already on the way).

That being said, flirc rulez anyway (they also have an Harmony profile dedicated to XBMC) Smile
(2014-04-06, 10:58)charliebrown Wrote: so, in comparison (and i know that the xbmc isnt nearly done to be optimized for the fire tv) how much faster than the ouya can one expect this to be?
I want to know this too, as I was just a minute a way to order an Ouya, then sow the Fire.
What I like about Ouya is the capability of handling heavy skins like Aeon with good menu navigation speed, I hope Fire can do this.
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Amazon Fire TV for XBMC10