Ah i've been struggling with this all day, finally broke down and had to make a post...
What I'm trying to do is set up USTVnow free channels in PTVL, it's basically telling me that I don't have the channels configured right (they don't show up in the guide at all)
1. I would post a log but I don't know how, I enabled the debugging option in PTVL config but i don't see a log generated anywhere. I'm not getting any crazy wierd errors so I don't think it's that serious of a problem.
2. I pretty much have no clue what a xmltv file is. I managed to figure it out - kind of.... but no where in this thread does anyone actually say what information needs to be IN this file. Here is my xmltv.xml file that i am pointing to in the PTVL configuration:
http://pastebin.com/d8NxEjPR I'm not even sure if i need this file since it's not indicated anywhere in the configuration that I need this to get USTVnow channels to work but i included it anyways. The one thing that mystifies me is that if the xmltv.xml file is the one that is populating the TV guide program information on the live channels then how/when does this file get updated? Am I supposed to generate this file every time I want to know what's on TV?
3. I have USTVnow XBMC pluggin properly configured with my username and pw at lowest quality. I can watch the USTVnow channels from within XMBC no problem.
4. Here is a settings2.xml file that i'm using just for the sake of testing:
http://pastebin.com/zcg6yZUX as you can see it is literally copy/paste from the 1st post. It should work perfectly since there are no further instructions in the original post on how to configure these channel settings with USTVnow!
5. I know it's not a problem with my PTVL installation or general setup because I can get the rest of my regular channels to work just fine. I even have some VEVOTV and youtube channels that are working perfectly too. The only channels that aren't working are the USTVnow ones.
This is the error that I get when I start PTVL: "Unable to populate channels. Please verify that you have scraped media in your library and that you have properly configured channels."
I know it's a generic error and i'm sure it's just a problem with my channel setup but for the life of me I can't see where I went wrong.