2014-06-17, 17:54
Now we wait for ronie to catch up and push the fix (or come up with more elegant solution), idk how to pr stuff on sourceforge.
(2014-06-28, 14:04)Mr_Brownstone Wrote: Hello,
I get no info in the weather
My system is in Hebrew, I found out that if I change it to any other language every thing works great.
But when I change it back to Hebrew I loos the weather info.
What can I do to make it work?
(2014-07-28, 03:38)SFX Group Wrote: What versions are we on?
My XBMC in Windows says v3, on openELEC (RPi) its v2 (with no updates),
How do i get version 3 in openELEC for RPi?
Many Thanks
(2014-07-28, 10:05)ronie Wrote: if you're running xbmc 13.x, wunderground v3.08 is the latest version.
it should always be up-to-date if auto-update addons is enabled in xbmc.
(2014-07-28, 14:04)SFX Group Wrote:(2014-07-28, 10:05)ronie Wrote: if you're running xbmc 13.x, wunderground v3.08 is the latest version.
it should always be up-to-date if auto-update addons is enabled in xbmc.
Desktop is on v13, the RPI is on v12.2, looks like openELEC isnt on v13 yet (auto update is on).
(2014-07-28, 14:08)Martijn Wrote: I think they mentioned on their website that you needed to manually update from v12.2 to 13.1 (some changes in update system)
(2014-07-28, 14:23)SFX Group Wrote:(2014-07-28, 14:08)Martijn Wrote: I think they mentioned on their website that you needed to manually update from v12.2 to 13.1 (some changes in update system)
You have to be kidding me, i just asked this question 30 seconds ago, what's the point of "auto update" if they dont use it?
Means puling an SD card and manually updating then spending hours with a remote putting in all the settings in (again), as the backup doesnt work fully on the RPi as it locks the SD card.
01:47:11 T:2744994624 DEBUG: weather.wunderground: forecast data:
"response": {
"features": {
"error": {
"type": "invalidkey"
,"description": "this key is not valid due to exceeding rate plan"