Should the HP 5070-2584 IR receiver be working with 4.1.4 official or not? I see the note in the wiki that TopSeed receivers don't work due to reporting an invalid timing parameter, but I also see the note, "It appears that the fix for MCE remotes will be included in the 3.16 kernel, so once that is available, MCE remotes should work out of the box for everyone." The system information summary shows 3.16.1.
I set my Harmony 880 up basically per the
wiki guide here, but it doesn't work. I will admit being rather frustrated. Every thread or wiki I find about getting IR remotes to work with OpenELEC seems totally different. I don't know if "Remote control sends keyboard presses" should be checked or not. I don't know if I need to set up a keymap.xml file or not. If so, what should be in it? Do I need to tell OpenELEC to use a keytable like
this guide says?
The ir-keytable command shows
Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event13) with:
Driver mceusb, table rc-rc6-mce
Supported protocols: NEC RC-5 RC-6 JVC SONY SANYO LIRC other
Enabled protocols: NEC RC-6
Repeat delay = 1000 ms, repeat period = 125 ms
There's no output when I run irw, but I see the red light on the receiver flash when I push buttons on the Harmony.