Increase the number of movies shown in the "Big Panel" view

I've been through a lot of Ambers xml files to understand how I can increase the number of movies shown in the "Big Panel" view.
At the moment it only shows 8 movies in two rows. I would like to decrease the thumbnail size and show at least 12 movies.
I've managed to decrease the thumbnail size but that has just done that - it hasn't resulted in more movies being shown only
the same amount just smaller.

I hope it's clear what I am after - is anyone able to point me in the right direction?

(2014-08-21, 01:05)rathmannm Wrote: Hi,

I've been through a lot of Ambers xml files to understand how I can increase the number of movies shown in the "Big Panel" view.
At the moment it only shows 8 movies in two rows. I would like to decrease the thumbnail size and show at least 12 movies.
I've managed to decrease the thumbnail size but that has just done that - it hasn't resulted in more movies being shown only
the same amount just smaller.

I hope it's clear what I am after - is anyone able to point me in the right direction?


You are in the right place and your 1st step is OK. 2nd should be to change item dimensions in LAYOUT tag. Basically, you first define how big the placeholders are, and afterwards you define how big thumb that goes in that placeholder (grid) should be. Container has it own width, change the width of a placeholder so more items can fit in container's width.
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Yes brilliant - exactly this! Any chance you can send me your xml file?

(2014-08-22, 18:21)rathmannm Wrote: Yes brilliant - exactly this! Any chance you can send me your xml file?


Would not work as drop in, that's a screen from Quartz.

But you can try here it is
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Thanks for your quick reply - you have to excuse me this is totally new to me. I've had a look at both xml and the code you posted but I am having trouble to find the right place to adjust in the

I've found the place that controls the thumbnail dimensions:

<include name="BigPanelPosterDimensions">

But I am having trouble locating the LAYOUT tag you mentioned...
search <itemlayout
search <focusedlayout
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Yes that's what I am looking at inside "<control type="panel" id="55" description="Big Panel">"

but there are many itemlayouts:

<itemlayout condition="Container.Content(TvShows) + Skin.HasSetting(55_UseBanners)" height="180" width="900">
<focusedlayout condition="Container.Content(TvShows) + Skin.HasSetting(55_UseBanners)" height="180" width="900">
<itemlayout condition="container.content(MusicVideos) | [Container.Content(tvshows) + !Skin.HasSetting(55_UseBanners)] | Container.Content(Movies) | container.content(seasons)" height="450" width="282">
<focusedlayout condition="container.content(MusicVideos) | [Container.Content(tvshows) + !Skin.HasSetting(55_UseBanners)] | Container.Content(Movies) | container.content(seasons)" height="450" width="282">
<itemlayout condition="container.content(addons) | Window.IsActive(MyMusicNav.xml) | Window.IsActive(MyMusicSongs.xml) | Window.IsActive(MyPics.xml)" height="300" width="284">
<focusedlayout condition="container.content(addons) | Window.IsActive(MyMusicNav.xml) | Window.IsActive(MyMusicSongs.xml) | Window.IsActive(MyPics.xml)" height="300" width="284">
<itemlayout condition="container.content(episodes)" height="300" width="378">
<focusedlayout condition="container.content(episodes)" height="300" width="378">
<itemlayout condition="![Container.Content(tvshows) | Container.Content(Movies) | container.content(seasons) | container.content(episodes) | container.content(addons) | Window.IsActive(MyMusicNav.xml) | Window.IsActive(MyMusicSongs.xml) | Window.IsActive(MyPics.xml)]" height="300" width="354">
<focusedlayout condition="![Container.Content(tvshows) | Container.Content(Movies) | container.content(seasons) | container.content(episodes) | container.content(addons) | Window.IsActive(MyMusicNav.xml) | Window.IsActive(MyMusicSongs.xml) | Window.IsActive(MyPics.xml)]" height="300" width="354">
So? Smile Pick the one you want to change? Preferably the one with poster thumbs Smile

<itemlayout condition="container.content(MusicVideos) | [Container.Content(tvshows) + !Skin.HasSetting(55_UseBanners)] | Container.Content(Movies) | container.content(seasons)" height="450" width="282">

This one maybe if you're after Movies
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Great - thank you very much for your help - got it exactly as I wanted to after reducing the thumb sizes to 65% Smile
(2014-08-24, 19:05)rathmannm Wrote: Great - thank you very much for your help - got it exactly as I wanted to after reducing the thumb sizes to 65% Smile

It's not entirely clear from the above, can you please tell us what exactly you had to change?
Well, it's been a month since I posted the above request for more information and since the OP did not respond, I did some experimentation. It's not quite as simple as the above discussion would lead one to believe, since the watched icons don't appear in the proper places (and most of the time don't appear at all) if you only make the two changes mentioned above. This is what I had to change in View_55_BigPanel.xml to get three rows with six thumbs per row (total 18 thumbs on the screen at any one time) in the Big Panel view (the changed items are bolded, also the indentation of the lines was removed when I posted this here, sorry about that):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<include name="BigPanelPosterDimensions">

(.....skipping down.....)

<itemlayout condition="container.content(MusicVideos) | [Container.Content(tvshows) + !Skin.HasSetting(55_UseBanners)] | Container.Content(Movies) | container.content(seasons)" height="300" width="188">
<control type="image">
<control type="image">
<control type="image">
<focusedlayout condition="container.content(MusicVideos) | [Container.Content(tvshows) + !Skin.HasSetting(55_UseBanners)] | Container.Content(Movies) | container.content(seasons)" height="300" width="188">
<control type="image">
<control type="image">
<control type="image">


I still won't guarantee that this is EVERYTHING that should be changed but as far as I can tell it gives the desired layout with no unfortunate side effects. YMMV. Each of the bolded values shown is exactly ⅔ of the original value (in other words, the original value multiplied by 0.666667), rounded to the nearest integer value. Before you begin making changes, it would be a very good idea to save a copy of the original file someplace safe, in case you manage to mess things up!

Note: I do not know what the first <posx> and <posy> values in the file control, that is why I did not change them. I did test changing them to ⅔ the original values and did not see any discernible difference, so since I did not know what they are for I thought it best to leave them alone.

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Increase the number of movies shown in the "Big Panel" view0