Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Can't control DVD volume
I can't seem to control the volume of DVDs. I am running the 23 Mar T3CH build and I am using optical out via the M$ adv av pack to the Spherex XBOX audio system. Using the volume adjustments in XBMC and/or the Spherex system have no effect. It outputs at one volume or I can mute it, but that is it. Is there something unique to digital that I don't know? Some are too loud and some are too soft.
good. that means xbmc is doing what its supposed to do when PASSING your audio THROUGH to your receiver, i.e. don't do any processing to it.
thanks for the help.
After some more testing, this only happens when using optical/digital. With RCA/analog, I can adjust the volume including boost.
yes, that's what i said.

when using optical/digital you are passing your audio through to your receiver (the original ac3 stream). xbmc doesnt do any processing to the stream, that includes volume. if it did, it wouldn't be passing the audio through any longer.
I still have this issue and it is basically making my xbox/xbmc unusable for playing dvds. It plays loud enough to blow my speakers out or at least get me kicked out of the neighborhood. I have my xbox plugged in to my Spherex system. I need some way to control the volume.
Either hook up RCA cables and adjust the volume with XBMC or adjust the volume on this "sperex" thing. I couldn't tolerate reading any of the reviews far enough to know whether or not this is actually possible. But, if it's not, you wasted your money on a gimmick and should go buy a real surround amp.
Adjusting the volume on the Spherex doesn't have any effect either. I suppose as spiff stated above it just passes the digital audio through. I agree, disappointing, but I am otherwise pretty pleased with it.

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Can't control DVD volume0