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Linux Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option.
Neither do we without a debug log.
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With this libmmbd trick you should now be able to play Blu-rays by selecting the BDMV folder in Videos > Files.
The "Play disc" button is another story (the Autoplay too). By default it only read DVDs. Some further tricks are required to associate it with Blu-rays (a custom script which detects DVDs vs. Blu-rays and calls the appropriate commands).
On this forum thread, you will find these tricks: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=134828&page=5
hey guys!

sorry to bother you but i'm kind of a linux noob... i'm running the latest openelec and i'm trying to get blurays working.

I've installed MakeMKV through the unofficial Repo and the "plugin.makemkvbluray-1.1.3.zip"
i did create the settings.conf with the app key

but i can't play blurays!

here is what "makemkvcon info disc:0" in ssh tells me:

MakeMKV v1.8.5 linux(x64-release) started
Profile parsing error: default profile missing, using builtin default
Using direct disc access mode
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:COPY PROTECTION KEY EXCHANGE FAILURE - AUTHENTICATION FAILURE' occurred while issuing SCSI command A30..00200740100720..04BE3CA0448E2EF8E69623A39A7E678509D to device 'SG:dev_11:0'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:COPY PROTECTION KEY EXCHANGE FAILURE - AUTHENTICATION FAILURE' occurred while issuing SCSI command A30..00200740100720..0F116C1268BA16BDDA3F987D3295A59FD0F to device 'SG:dev_11:0'

--- many more of this error ---

followed by the same amount of these

Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:COPY PROTECTION KEY EXCHANGE FAILURE - KEY NOT ESTABLISHED' occurred while issuing SCSI command AD010..080002400 to device 'SG:dev_11:0'

i have no clue what this symlink thing is, from what i've read i need the libmmbd in /usr/lib but there is no such file!

i hope you can help me!
The bluray your playing has upgraded copy protection and cant be played with the very old ver you have installed..the current ver is 1.8.13
thanks! unfortunately openelec does not support apt-get, is there another way to upgrade makemkv?
Yes, you can package a new version for the unofficial addons. That way everybody will have this new version!
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Have a look on the openelec forums you might find a tut...I stopped using openelec as its...well not to open Smile in theory you could unmount openelec and install all the needed apps ect
Are you saying openelec is not open?

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well not as open as the full flavor ver of kodi, maybe open not the right word.....configurable?...is that even a word Wink that said its been a few years since I played with it
Yeah perhaps hard to add stuff too if it is not in the 'openelec' ecosystem.
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I am building makemkv for openelec now. It'll take while because I chose to nix my openelec build tree (long story) and it is building the openelec build system from scratch...
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(2014-09-30, 02:10)Wozza_au Wrote: Have a look on the openelec forums you might find a tut...I stopped using openelec as its...well not to open Smile in theory you could unmount openelec and install all the needed apps ect

unfortunately i've asked there for help as well... but they don't really want to talk about makemkv because of possible legal issues..

so nickr, does this mean it will be possible to play bluray on openelec in the near future? Smile
Well it errored out during the openelec buildd, so I'll need to get some help on that. But yes i hope to make an updated makemkv available to the world this weel sometime (famous last words!)
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Could anyone try this and see if it works?

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OpenELEC writes "unsatisfied dependences" with this one.
I did not find anything relevant in the logs.
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Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option.1