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The next release will initially be for 720p, but after that i'll be working on the 4:3 version.
As for what is skinned, it will essentially by the same as the current Fusion release. That is Home Screen, Video Library, and Video Files. Everything else will be PM3 until it gets skinned.
It really all comes down to how this skin started. It was for myself and my family, and those are the features we use. Now that's not to say the other stuff may never happen, it just isn't on the top of the priority list. And since everythign else falls back to PM3 it shoudl still be useable in those other sections.
Posts: 90
Joined: May 2007
I really dig this skin and wanted to say nice job on the work.I got curious by the link in your sig and checked it out.I will more than likely leave this as the primary skin on atleast 1 of my xboxes.I am interested on how to get some kind of picture on the home screen because mine is all black.As well as somehow changing the colors either on the pm3 side or the fusion side to make them look uniform together.Any ideas on how to do this?Or is it even possible?
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agathorn, now that you have added time/date functionality i was wondering what sort of neat tricks you had planned for this feature?
Posts: 166
Joined: Oct 2007
top notch work.... Looks far and away better than your already great old version. I know you said that you don't have any high priority plans of taking out the Pm3 stuff but, if nothing else I feel that you should do away with Pm3's opening animation, that way you get the full 'fusion' effect all the way through, if you're just using the media.
Also one issue I found is that when browsing the tv episodes, unless focused episode's of a certain length aren't contained in the text box. Under focus however, they adhere to the size of the box and properly scroll. Similarly, if you were to have a movie linked to a tv show then it's possible for the movie title to overlap with it's cover icon...
overall topnotch, I especially like the animations. The color now is much better than the blue...
One question, when you say that this skin works fine for you on the xbox, do you cache your thumbs in default resolution or did you perhaps 'upgrade' it to 384?
Posts: 61
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Where can I download this? When I get to your page it says no hotlinking allowed. Basically nothing works.
Posts: 2,838
Joined: Dec 2006
Looks really awesome!!! Looks terrifc, thanks for all the great work.
I have some questions as I don't get it to properly work.
1) Does it work on XBMC for Mac OSX? (overall, do all skins always work on the separate platform?)
2) Does it work on "old" televisions (non-HD)
If both above is yes, there appears to be another error with my configuration. After pasting in the skin-directory and selecting it, the screen is completely black and the menu bar looks really ugly. Only weather in the top-bar works properly.
Cheers, Daniel
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I would assume it works in OSX but I don't know for certain. This leatest release, codenamed Vusion, which is in the SVN is for 720p only and does not support SD televisions. However, the older web released version does.
Posts: 236
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hey! ^ i caught you! get your ass back in skinning channel!
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AH firefox won't download fusion from the website. IE works just fine.
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Skilled Python Coder
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Somhow this kin won't load at all on my XBOX. When I select it from the configuration PMIII is loaded. What am I doing wrong?