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Linux How to associate "Play disc" with the Blu-ray discs?
i tried vlc in a chroot once before i got it working in xbmc... and this worked, and well it works in xbmc too if started manually.
You may need to edit the following to suit your OS, but what is the output of:

find /usr/lib/ |grep -i libaacs |xargs ls -la  && find /usr/lib/ |grep -i libbdplus |xargs ls -la

It should show that the files are linked to libmmbd.so.0:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Jan 26  2014 /usr/lib/libaacs.so.0 -> libmmbd.so.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Oct 24  2013 /usr/lib/libbdplus.so.0 -> libmmbd.so.0

EDIT: assuming you are using makemkv to decode the discs.
i have the same issue as da.schizzle.. while playing blurays via navigating into files, /BDMV/index.bdmv works with every bluray the shortcut with the script does not work and i get the same log..

this is my output, as you can see the libdbplus.so.0 is not linked to libmmbd.so.0

OpenELEC:/usr/lib # find /usr/lib/ |grep -i libaacs |xargs ls -la  && find /usr/lib/ |grep -i libbdplus |xargs ls -la
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            61 Oct 10 14:47 /usr/lib/libaacs.so -> /storage/.xbmc/addons/lib.multimedia.makemkv/lib/libmmbd.so.0
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            61 Oct 10 14:47 /usr/lib/libaacs.so.0 -> /storage/.xbmc/addons/lib.multimedia.makemkv/lib/libmmbd.so.0
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            61 Oct 10 14:47 /usr/lib/libaacs.so.0.4.1 -> /storage/.xbmc/addons/lib.multimedia.makemkv/lib/libmmbd.so.0
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            18 Oct  4 10:53 /usr/lib/libbdplus.so -> libbdplus.so.0.0.1
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            18 Oct  4 10:53 /usr/lib/libbdplus.so.0 -> libbdplus.so.0.0.1
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         85512 Oct  4 10:53 /usr/lib/libbdplus.so.0.0.1
(2014-10-11, 13:56)peisenhans Wrote: i have the same issue as da.schizzle.. while playing blurays via navigating into files, /BDMV/index.bdmv works with every bluray the shortcut with the script does not work and i get the same log..

Are you using the modified openelec system i created?
i havent removed libdblus yet and replaced it with symlinks. will do this soon and try this again.
but somehow i doubt this could be the problem.
Yes i am using your modified system.
One thing i noticed was that xbmc crashes sometimes when skipping chapters.. I'll look into the debug log soon.
noticed the same... but didnt have the time to check debugging yet.
I noticed it is random i could skip to the chapters of a 3 hour movie without problems the first time (only some short artifacts) and the next time it freezes after the third chapter and then xbmc restarts. normal playback seems to work fine tho.

but this is offtopic Wink we should talk about this in the other thread or create a new one here or in the openelec forums.
libaacs is linked to libmmbd so its strange why it doesnt work via xbmc-send... You coud try json-rpc to open the files, replace:

xbmc-send --host= --port=9777 --action="PlayMedia("$BD_DISC")"


PORT_NUMBER=8080   #xbmc default

function xbmc_req {
  curl -v -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d  "$1" http://"$IP_ADDRESS":"$PORT_NUMBER"/jsonrpc
  xbmc_req '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.Open", "params":{"item": {"file":"'"$BD_DISC"'"}}, "id": "1" }'

I've just tested both methods with the Dark Knight Rises retail BD on ubuntu 14.04 + MakeMKV 1.8.13 and the disc is decrypted and played.
tried it but i think i've done something wrong... here is my log when pressing the play button: http://sprunge.us/YMiS

this is my xbmc-play-disc.sh

#script to play dvd/cd/bluray with xbmc
udevil mount -o ro,noatime /dev/sr0

BD_DISC=$(ls  /media/*/BDMV/index.bdmv 2> /dev/null)

if [[ "$BD_DISC" ]]; then
PORT_NUMBER=8080   #xbmc default

function xbmc_req {
  curl -v -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d  "$1" http://"$IP_ADDRESS":"$PORT_NUMBER"/jsonrpc
  xbmc_req '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.Open", "params":{"item": {"file":"'"$BD_DISC"'"}}, "id": "1" }'
  xbmc-send --host= --port=9777 --action="PlayDVD"
Whats the output when you run the .sh file from the command line?
for some reason i am not able to run the script in ssh

Quote:OpenELEC:~/.xbmc/.scripts # chmod 755 xbmc-play-disc.sh
OpenELEC:~/.xbmc/.scripts # ls
xbmc-play-disc.py xbmc-play-disc.sh
OpenELEC:~/.xbmc/.scripts # xbmc-play-disc.sh
-sh: xbmc-play-disc.sh: not found
use "ls -la" instead of "ls"
also try ./xbmc-play-disc.sh
nevermind, got it!

BD_DISC=$(ls /var/media/*/BDMV/index.bdmv 2> /dev/null)


xbmc-send --host= --port=9777 --action="PlayMedia(\"$BD_DISC\")"

did the trick! thanks!
(2014-10-12, 15:24)peisenhans Wrote: nevermind, got it!

BD_DISC=$(ls /var/media/*/BDMV/index.bdmv 2> /dev/null)


xbmc-send --host= --port=9777 --action="PlayMedia(\"$BD_DISC\")"

did the trick! thanks!

Thanks!! Works for me as well Wink
Glad that i could help.. And thanks to teeedubb for the script in the first place and making our xbmc expericene even better
Cools, glad you guys got it sorted.
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How to associate "Play disc" with the Blu-ray discs?2