(2014-10-16, 21:38)Lunatixz Wrote: (2014-10-16, 21:00)peglegtv Wrote: (2014-10-16, 20:49)peppy6582 Wrote: Try this:
@echo OFF
set fileName=settings2.xml
if exist %fileName%.tmp del /F /Q %fileName%.tmp
for /F "delims=" %%G in (%fileName%) do (
set LINE=%%G
if not "!LINE!" == "!LINE:ForceChannelReset=!" (
set LINE=!LINE:False=True!
>> "%fileName%.tmp" echo !LINE!
del /F /Q %fileName%
ren %fileName%.tmp %fileName%
worked great, noticed it was set to settings2.xml had to change that to settings.xml (I just figured it out with autohotkey as well but i'll stick with batch file) heres the fixed version in case someone else wants to use it
@echo OFF
set fileName=settings.xml
if exist %fileName%.tmp del /F /Q %fileName%.tmp
for /F "delims=" %%G in (%fileName%) do (
set LINE=%%G
if not "!LINE!" == "!LINE:ForceChannelReset=!" (
set LINE=!LINE:False=True!
>> "%fileName%.tmp" echo !LINE!
del /F /Q %fileName%
ren %fileName%.tmp %fileName%
Thanks for the help
Not sure this is a good move. U r forcing a rebuild of all channels just to update one? Use the advanced rule to reset the single channel.
wow! i cant believe i didn't see that "reset every x days" before, I didn't think to look at the advanced rules for the individual channels for a reset
i like the idea of just resetting the one individual channel,
if i set the "Reset every x Days" to 365 would that channel still get reset when all the other channels get reset or would that stop the channel from being reset with all the other channels when doing a force channel reset?
the further into this i get the more ideas i get
like a now playing widget (showing random Episodes or Movies) then you could click the movie or episode in the widget and it would launch PTVL to the channel that that movie or episode would play on (it's definitely beyond me but thought it would be a cool idea)
sorry for blowing up the forum for the same idea but i see now that i can fully automate this
. i just need to know more about the way it works to decide which way to go
thanks for the warning: i understand if i edit the settings2.xml i carry the risk of breaking my setup, if i do go that route then ill make sure that i create a personal backup or create a daily/weekly/monthly mirror backup of the file to make sure i can undo any damage i may cause