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Media Companion 3 beta's - Now with Music Video support
One other thing. Should I be able to change a bunch of movies from a set to no set using the table view? I get this error when I try

System.InvalidCastException: Operator '<>' is not defined for type 'DBNull' and string "UnChanged".
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.ConditionalCompareObjectNotEqual(Object Left, Object Right, Boolean TextCompare)
at Media_Companion.Form1.mov_TableUpdate()
at Media_Companion.Form1.btn_movTableApply_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Thanks again!
(2014-11-05, 02:57)bobrap Wrote: One other thing. Should I be able to change a bunch of movies from a set to no set using the table view? I get this error when I try

System.InvalidCastException: Operator '<>' is not defined for type 'DBNull' and string "UnChanged".
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.ConditionalCompareObjectNotEqual(Object Left, Object Right, Boolean TextCompare)
at Media_Companion.Form1.mov_TableUpdate()
at Media_Companion.Form1.btn_movTableApply_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Thanks again!

Should be able to. How many were you changing at once?
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
As little as two and maybe up to a dozen? Just trying to have movies in sets only if there is more than one movie.
Yep, I see where I stuffed up. Now just got to figure out the right methodoligy. LOL.

It'll be fixed in the next release. Hope to have another out soon.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
New Release.

Media Companion 3.607b

Bug fix release.
  • TV - Empty shows no longer shown as watched.
  • TV - Removed 'Edit' symbol as misleading.
  • TV - Exclude missing episodes from being marked as watched
  • Movie - Fixed displaying of and finding of Basic Saved movie nfo's
  • Movie - Improved 'Rebuild movie nfo files' option.
  • Movie - Ignore any RAR file below 8MB. Probably a subtitle file, not a movie.
  • Movie - Fixed issue when changing multiple movie's sets to -none-.
Feedback would be appreciated.

Download Link for MC 3.607b

Revision History
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Nice job, Rob. No problems noted. I'll hold off on requests and let you catch your breath.Laugh
(2014-11-06, 15:00)bobrap Wrote: Nice job, Rob. No problems noted. I'll hold off on requests and let you catch your breath.Laugh

Keep them coming, I'll do what I can.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Hey Rob!!

Outstanding as usual. Again, my hat's off to you. This has definitely become the"GO-TO" app for scraping my library. I'm sure others will agree that we'd be lost without all your hard work and dedication!!

Just a couple inquiries on future/potential features (like what you've done so isn't enough - not what I'm trying to say):

- Music Video / Concert Support still planned?
- Curious on what you're looking to use as scraper. (TMDb, TheAudioDB, IMVDb, Fanart.tv, Something Else?)
- If it looks to be a ways off, or maybe not as plausible, Anyway we can maybe mod the Home Movie Tab to give us the option to select Home Movie, Music Video, or Concert? Just to give us a way to incorporate in the mean time.
- Has music integration ever been thought about?

I know that last one is a humongously huge undertaking, and probably not just a little pain in the arse. But even just having the option to scrape Artist (Fanart.tv,, TheAudioDB, Musicbrainz) to start would be HUGE.

A pipe dream maybe, but I'd be remiss if i didn't at least mention it.

Please don't hate me now, lol.Tongue
Suddenly the offline movies (*.disc, e.g. Safe House (2012).disc), the DVDs etc. are not shown anymore. What might I be missing, I did not change anything (by intention):
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence
(2014-11-07, 23:06)RonnieG3 Wrote: Hey Rob!!

Outstanding as usual. Again, my hat's off to you. This has definitely become the"GO-TO" app for scraping my library. I'm sure others will agree that we'd be lost without all your hard work and dedication!!

Just a couple inquiries on future/potential features (like what you've done so isn't enough - not what I'm trying to say):

- Music Video / Concert Support still planned?
- Curious on what you're looking to use as scraper. (TMDb, TheAudioDB, IMVDb, Fanart.tv, Something Else?)
- If it looks to be a ways off, or maybe not as plausible, Anyway we can maybe mod the Home Movie Tab to give us the option to select Home Movie, Music Video, or Concert? Just to give us a way to incorporate in the mean time.
- Has music integration ever been thought about?

I know that last one is a humongous huge undertaking, and probably not just a little pain in the arse. But even just having the option to scrape Artist (Fanart.tv,, TheAudioDB, Musicbrainz) to start would be HUGE.

A pipe dream maybe, but I'd be remiss if i didn't at least mention it.

Please don't hate me now, lol.Tongue

There has been some work done on Music Video, by Billy, and some still needs cleaning up. As for Scraper, Billy decided to use Wiki to get relevant info. As for TMDB, TheAudioDb, IMVDB (hadn't heard of that last one), It may be possible, but as you mentioned, adding Those scrapers is a serious undertaking.

I have been working on getting the Core part of Media Companion stable (with some requested features added as I go), as well as attempting to re-work the Preferences (when I'm not bug hunting).

You may see the Music Video Tab in the next release. Thought be warned, it is very early days.

(2014-11-08, 14:55)Dirki Wrote: Suddenly the offline movies (*.disc, e.g. Safe House (2012).disc), the DVDs etc. are not shown anymore. What might I be missing, I did not change anything (by intention):

I will look into this, but please note: DISC or Media Stub files source should not be added to the Offline Folder. Instead, The source directory will be added to the Movie Folders tab if not already added.

So I first suggest to remove I:\Eigene Dateien\Videos\Filme auf DVD from your Offline Movie Folder, and add it to your Movie Folders list.

Advise me if this still does not work for you.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Many thanks, vbat99.

Quote:I will look into this, but please note: DISC or Media Stub files source should not be added to the Offline Folder. Instead, The source directory will be added to the Movie Folders tab if not already added.
Hmmm, I had understood completely wrong. But, what for is the "Offline Folder", if not for the offline movies / DVDs?

Quote:So I first suggest to remove I:\Eigene Dateien\Videos\Filme auf DVD from your Offline Movie Folder, and add it to your Movie Folders list.
I have done it like that: http://i.imgur.com/77j0OH4.png
But there does not appear any movie after prressing "Search" or "Refresh".

Ah no, sorry, it seems to work. There is such a black bar: http://i.imgur.com/hTYoFeb.png. Obviously MC is scraping.
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence
(2014-11-09, 02:38)Dirki Wrote: Many thanks, vbat99.

Quote:I will look into this, but please note: DISC or Media Stub files source should not be added to the Offline Folder. Instead, The source directory will be added to the Movie Folders tab if not already added.
Hmmm, I had understood completely wrong. But, what for is the "Offline Folder", if not for the offline movies / DVDs?

Quote:So I first suggest to remove I:\Eigene Dateien\Videos\Filme auf DVD from your Offline Movie Folder, and add it to your Movie Folders list.
I have done it like that: http://i.imgur.com/77j0OH4.png
But there does not appear any movie after prressing "Search" or "Refresh".

Ah no, sorry, it seems to work. There is such a black bar: http://i.imgur.com/hTYoFeb.png. Obviously MC is scraping.

The Offline Movie Folder was for offline movies that Media Companion created. MC would create a 10 second video saying something like Insert your disc
See This documentation

While what you are trying to do is call Media Stubs which are xml files that XBMC reads with info on what disc you need to insert.
On the Media Stubs tab, allocate your offline stubs folder,
Enter the movie title, ie Avatar
Select the Disc Format
If you wish, type an alternative title for the movie.
And if you want a different message displayed in XBMC, change the Media Message.
Click save, change to browsing tab and search.
This discussion may be of insight. We seem to be lacking documentation of Media Stubs
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Thank you very much, vbat99. For the links, also, I will have a closer look at it.

Quote:The Offline Movie Folder was for offline movies that Media Companion created. MC would create a 10 second video saying something like Insert your disc
See This documentation
But you have to enter each single media for it? Or is there a way to import a list or use existing xml or disc files so that MC could create the text to be displayed itself?

Alright, with the disc files now being added as normal movie files in the "Movie Folders" it works like having usual / digital movies.

What is the easiest way to rename a movie / file in MC? So, when a movie is not scraped correctly how could I rename the movie in MC?

That black bar at the bottom is like it should be?

Is there a way to find movies by entering the original title using the search field in MC when the movies are displayed with the none original title (and vice versa)? E.g. you enter "The Lives Of Others", but the movie is stored with "Das Leben der Anderen".

Many thanks again.
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence
(2014-11-09, 16:13)Dirki Wrote: Thank you very much, vbat99. For the links, also, I will have a closer look at it.

Quote:The Offline Movie Folder was for offline movies that Media Companion created. MC would create a 10 second video saying something like Insert your disc
See This documentation
But you have to enter each single media for it? Or is there a way to import a list or use existing xml or disc files so that MC could create the text to be displayed itself?

Alright, with the disc files now being added as normal movie files in the "Movie Folders" it works like having usual / digital movies.

What is the easiest way to rename a movie / file in MC? So, when a movie is not scraped correctly how could I rename the movie in MC?

That black bar at the bottom is like it should be?

Is there a way to find movies by entering the original title using the search field in MC when the movies are displayed with the none original title (and vice versa)? E.g. you enter "The Lives Of Others", but the movie is stored with "Das Leben der Anderen".

Many thanks again.

Yes, you have to enter each offline movie individually. Creating an import/export to do this would be a mission.
As Media Stub files ).disc files, they act like digital media.

As for the renaming, you have to do this manually, and MC doesn't have the facilities to rename Media Stub files. This is on purpose.

I am not sure if you can use Change Movie with Media Stub files.

And as for the Black Bar at the bottom, sorry, not getting this on my builds. Not sure what is occurring on your build. It should not be there.
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Media Companion 3 beta's - Now with Music Video support10