Kodi logo variation and pack
here's the a 1024x1024 version of the above:


and psd


just in case it raises any interest.
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Sorry to sidetrack this but favicon suffers from the same kinf of problem.

Black background is ugly
Transparent background is much nicer.
(2014-11-27, 23:02)fastcolors Wrote: here's the a 1024x1024 version of the above:

and psd

just in case it raises any interest.

Thanks. I'm having a play with these and will pass them along to the rest of the web/art guys.
(2014-11-27, 19:45)fastcolors Wrote: but hey, tastes are like ... Wink everyone got his own.

like periods? I think you're only 50% right. Wink
(2014-11-28, 09:43)natethomas Wrote:
(2014-11-27, 19:45)fastcolors Wrote: but hey, tastes are like ... Wink everyone got his own.

like periods? I think you're only 50% right. Wink

Rofl Rofl

I didn't even think about reading it that way!!

now I will always abbreviate periods like that.
"whassup honey r u on ur ... ? "

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Another poke about the Mac icon. It's a huge improvement and actually makes it looks like a Mac icon.
sorry, I'm a bit busy atm with getting jobs done before my holiday and planning my trip. So if anybody else is willling to create a PR with new icons feel free to do so
i'll try.

but many knows already that I suck at PR-ing Sad
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here's the ZIP file with all the icons (I did the same ones I found @ github.com/fastcolors/xbmc/tree/master/tools/darwin/packaging/media/osx/icon.iconset )


in addition I made a native .icns pack... dunno if it could be useful or not.


please please somebody take care of the PR for me...
I hate those.
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is that for all platforms?
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they're PNGs

I only checked the OSX dir.. if you want I can check them all.

I assume the files are interchangeable.

ok I just had a quick look and no, more are needed.

If you want I can take care of the other icons too.
Not sure If You guys want the same ones for ALL platforms?

or If windoze is getting its own (the squared one)

I should have time tonight and tomorrow, so if you let me know the plan, I can definitely help. (if you promise to do the PR) Rofl

just let me know if it's all or just the apple product ones. (darwin subdir)

edit: I'm gonna try and do the PR myself.

what should it be labeled?
and what description should it have.
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I think we can make all platforms share the same icon if we go away from the square look (OSX, iOS, Android, Windows, Linux). And yes, there is a shitload of platform specifics. Windows needs/should have a .ico file with 32bit and 8bit (or whatever we have now), while 8bit might look ugly without solid BG. Not sure what to do with the UPNP icons in /media/ though - maybe keep them untouched (or at least with solid BG)
(2014-12-02, 18:44)da-anda Wrote: I think we can make all platforms share the same icon if we go away from the square look (OSX, iOS, Android, Windows, Linux). And yes, there is a shitload of platform specifics. Windows needs/should have a .ico file with 32bit and 8bit (or whatever we have now), while 8bit might look ugly without solid BG. Not sure what to do with the UPNP icons in /media/ though - maybe keep them untouched (or at least with solid BG)

I like the upnp ones. And also the drive ones for mac look good!! not gonna touch those.

I will work on it overnight, and hopefully pull the req tomorrow. yep i saw the .ico .. maybe windows should just get a solid one like the squared one for iOS.

a question is [email protected] supposed to have that I in the name?
just to be sure.

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Please don't touch ios icons - they match the ios icon guide. Imo its wrong to aim for having the same icons on all platforms. Its better to aim the match of the platform guidelines on icons.
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ah yes, sorry, forgot about iOS. Yes, have iOS untouched please - and ofc also the drive icon on OSX. Only the actual app icons should be changed for OSX, Android, Windows, Linux

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