Switch back from Openelec w. Retroplayer to Openelec non Retroplayer

how can I switch back from Openelec w. Retroplayer to Openelec non Retroplayer?
Do I just need to overwrite with new image, or should I delete all retroplayer specified files?

thank you
You will just need to re-install with a plain vanilla OpenElec version instead of with this retroplayer version.
(2014-12-07, 12:53)ErAzOr2k Wrote: Hi,

how can I switch back from Openelec w. Retroplayer to Openelec non Retroplayer?
Do I just need to overwrite with new image, or should I delete all retroplayer specified files?

thank you
If you unzip a regular old .tar.gz openelec download then you just copy the four files sitting in the "target" folder across your network to the Openelec->Update folder. Easy to do from a widows computer if you left samba enabled in your Openelec config. Then reboot and it will install whatever version you placed there

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Switch back from Openelec w. Retroplayer to Openelec non Retroplayer0