Posts: 16
Joined: Dec 2014
For the people having the "cannot create backup" and "cannot create launchers.xml file" ....
It is some kind of permission or possibly the version of Python being used that makes the advanced launcher app unable to write to the launchers.xml file.
Only way I was able to get it working was manually inputting the meta data into the file myself.
The good news is if you have xbmc and advanced launcher on a pc you can just copy and paste most of the info in.
I have a laptop I use just for messing around with xbmc and emulators that was already set up, just had to modify a few things to get it working.
Now my little $50 android tv box has all the emulators and roms running with full artwork and descriptions.
Even plugged in a generic corded ps3 controller! I only need to figure out how to exit ePSXe and N64oid from the controller and my system will be complete!
I can provide my launchers.xml file if anyone wants to use it for a reference.
Posts: 318
Joined: Jan 2008
Sorry, I swear i answered this but it's not here ... Anyways, no I have no fixed it. Any suggestions would be great.
Posts: 3
Joined: Nov 2014
I been using the advanced launcher method and I have gotten it to work. But to upload thumbs and fanart, I have to do it manually by saving the pictures to my sd card.
1) Has anyone been able to get the auto-scaper to work in advanced laucher?
2) I been trying the logcat for a few other emulators like cps2emu. But I cannot figure out how to call the rom file to load automatically.
And last, for the rom collection browser I see that the code changes are different. The newest version of RCB has a slightly different structure and I cannot get any roms to load. I like the look of the RCB a bit better but had no luck getting it to take the code changes and modifications.
Posts: 318
Joined: Jan 2008
Bradwatson– what version of RCB are you using and are you able to share that with us? I'm thinking changes ("improvements") have been made to the addon since this guide was introduced that now cause the information in it to be inaccurate and not work. I don't need the latest and greatest features. Just something that works like yours in your video over at XDA.
Posts: 12
Joined: Sep 2014
Junior Member
Posts: 12
Still same problem here,i use minix x7,spmc version, not rooted.
Cannot create xml file error,auto scan doesnt work...
Fixing that bug would be really much appreciated