lcdproc - tv shows will not display on LCD
Hi all,

I'm running XBMC v13 Alpha with an Antec Fusion Black V2 IMON LCD...

I've installed the lcdproc addon - most things work on the LCD - (navigation/music/movies) except for when playing TV shows..

The icons work - XIVD icon lights up, the Disc spins and the Speakers are displayed, however the TV show text/Progress bar doesn't appear


The LCD.xml looks fine <video> section works as when playing movies it displays correctly (even concerts under the Aeon skin)
the only issue is when attempting to play tv shows.

Any ideas?

Thanks guys
Had the same problem, apparently there is a new tvshow section.

just add a <tvshow> section with the same content as <video>, fixed it for me.
Thanks mate,

That worked, hopefully they add this to the LCD.xml file in future to avoid confusion!
is there a way to make all four lines come up on a 20x2 screen by cycling between them?

and should we be editing the lcd.xml in addons data dir or userdata
how did u get those icons to show up such as the media info icons dts and the icons on the right? i just have l and r showing up.
(2014-12-28, 06:01)MANswers Wrote: how did u get those icons to show up such as the media info icons dts and the icons on the right? i just have l and r showing up.

you have to enable it in lcdproc "support for extra display elements"
Leo06 thanks for replying buddy. its already enabled for me.
Are u using windows? does lcdproc work only on ubuntu and not windows? cos using lcdproc and its settings, i dont see any impact on the vfd screen, however i am using the plugin for xbmc windows this one, which works perfectly fine, just the icons are not working.,
(2014-12-31, 03:30)MANswers Wrote: Leo06 thanks for replying buddy. its already enabled for me.
Are u using windows? does lcdproc work only on ubuntu and not windows? cos using lcdproc and its settings, i dont see any impact on the vfd screen, however i am using the plugin for xbmc windows this one, which works perfectly fine, just the icons are not working.,

no,i am using openelec and imonlcd driver in lcdd.conf

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lcdproc - tv shows will not display on LCD0