2015-03-03, 18:28
Couple of font requests
- Lighter and bolder weights.
- Capitalise the first letter of each word.
(2015-03-03, 21:07)mkortstiege Wrote: Quick and dirty try @ https://github.com/mkortstiege/xbmc/tree/capitalize. A win32 testbuild based on master is queued on jenkins and should be on the mirrors later.Awesome, thanks.
Should work like lower- and uppercase with using [CAPITALIZE] and/or with capitalize <style> tag in fonts.xml
(2015-03-03, 21:08)mkortstiege Wrote: What exactly do you mean with "lighter and bolder weights"?https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs...t#Examples
// Embolden code - original taken from freetype2 (ftsynth.c)
void CGUIFontTTFBase::EmboldenGlyph(FT_GlyphSlot slot)
if ( slot->format != FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE )
/* some reasonable strength */
FT_Pos strength = FT_MulFix( m_face->units_per_EM,
m_face->size->metrics.y_scale ) / 24;
FT_BBox bbox_before, bbox_after;
FT_Outline_Get_CBox( &slot->outline, &bbox_before );
FT_Outline_Embolden( &slot->outline, strength ); // ignore error
FT_Outline_Get_CBox( &slot->outline, &bbox_after );
FT_Pos dx = bbox_after.xMax - bbox_before.xMax;
FT_Pos dy = bbox_after.yMax - bbox_before.yMax;
if ( slot->advance.x )
slot->advance.x += dx;
if ( slot->advance.y )
slot->advance.y += dy;
slot->metrics.width += dx;
slot->metrics.height += dy;
slot->metrics.horiBearingY += dy;
slot->metrics.horiAdvance += dx;
slot->metrics.vertBearingX -= dx / 2;
slot->metrics.vertBearingY += dy;
slot->metrics.vertAdvance += dy;
(2015-03-03, 21:07)mkortstiege Wrote: Quick and dirty try @ https://github.com/mkortstiege/xbmc/tree/capitalize. A win32 testbuild based on master is queued on jenkins and should be on the mirrors later.
Should work like lower- and uppercase with using [CAPITALIZE] and/or with capitalize <style> tag in fonts.xml
( / - "
(2015-03-03, 22:25)mkortstiege Wrote: Will also look into the embolden one you linked.
100 Thin (Hairline)
200 Extra Light (Ultra Light)
300 Light
400 Normal
500 Medium
600 Semi Bold (Demi Bold)
700 Bold
800 Extra Bold (Ultra Bold)
900 Black (Heavy)
(2015-03-10, 22:05)ronie Wrote: 2015-03-10 Fonts - ability to capitalize the first letter of each word
skins can now use the [CAPITALIZE] tag to uppercase the first characters of every word in a string.
forum thread: 220249 (thread)
git commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/4e54...46357ea601
pull request: 6599 (PR)