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Linux ChromeBox Kodi E-Z Setup Script (LibreELEC/Linux+Kodi) [2017/02/21]
I confirm, i'm testing for about 10 days (old package. snapshot version and now this public beta) and no problem happened
Cool, I am tempted to update, but fearful of family if something goes wrong.
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Well I have a separate dev box for testing firmware and OE updates before pushing them out, makes it less dangerous Smile
(2015-05-08, 21:36)DnhE Wrote: Problems began with downloading OpenELEC. Connecting to dl.dropboxusercontent.com successfully, but after HTTP request was sent, received "ERROR 404: Not Found." Also failed to download from the dropbox mirror, with the same 404 Not Found error.

In red: "Error: Failed to download OpenELEC; check your Internet connection and try again."

Got the same result from 3Tfu5W and gJFToc8t.

What could the problem be? The Internet connection clearly works if it reported "connected" to the dl.dropboxusercontent.com IP addresses. (And I verified that the Internet connection works for everything else).

fixed. I had redirected the download URL to my dropbox for testing, but then uploaded the wrong file (image vs tar).
I just dropped in to say thanks for the script, instructions and support. Got my HP Chromebox installed and very happy with the setup. Harmony Ultimate remote required some key mapping in the Harmony software and keyboard.xml but eventually I managed to get everything working Nod
Matt: Thanks! That worked right away on my Asus Chromebox.
On resume from suspend, i get screen flicker (black/static)... sometimes it comes out of it... other times i have to reboot it. I use Yatse on my phone as a remote. Probably been talked about numerous times, tried searching
(2015-05-09, 18:05)Travisc Wrote: On resume from suspend, i get screen flicker (black/static)... sometimes it comes out of it... other times i have to reboot it. I use Yatse on my phone as a remote. Probably been talked about numerous times, tried searching

Which OS? I get no such problems in OE using an LG tv.
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Deleted post.
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Openelec plasma lg

I was just wondering what are the benefits/disavantages of dual boot configuration (chromeOS/Openelec) vs just Openelec knowing that i don't plan to use chromeOS ?

I know already i can run command directly from ChromeOS which is a BIG advantage -> no need to ssh.

(2015-05-10, 17:23)Namoi Wrote: Hi,

I was just wondering what are the benefits/disavantages of dual boot configuration (chromeOS/Openelec) vs just Openelec knowing that i don't plan to use chromeOS ?

if you don't plan to use ChromeOS, then just do a standalone setup. There are no disadvantages outside of not being able to run ChromeOS.

Quote:I know already i can run command directly from ChromeOS which is a BIG advantage -> no need to ssh.

if you mean that OpenELEC doesn't have a local terminal, I think there's an add-on for that. I always ssh since I don't like having lots of keyboards on my desk
Ok, great, then i will go for the standalone.
Anyway i can ssh easly, but i will have a look at that addon.

Just another question about updating the firmware. In the first post you said the script must be run just after booting.
Does it mean i just push the power button and then ssh the script or do i wait until boot sequence is finished ?

(2015-05-10, 20:29)Namoi Wrote: Ok, great, then i will go for the standalone.
Anyway i can ssh easly, but i will have a look at that addon.

Just another question about updating the firmware. In the first post you said the script must be run just after booting.
Does it mean i just push the power button and then ssh the script or do i wait until boot sequence is finished ?


for 99% of users, all you need to do is install the custom firmware once from ChromeOS, never need to worry about updating afterwards. The special standalone firmware update script for OpenELEC isn't needed for most users, but if you do need/want to update, it should be done after booting, not when the box has been up for a week or so
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ChromeBox Kodi E-Z Setup Script (LibreELEC/Linux+Kodi) [2017/02/21]37