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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
tone map HDR using pixel shaders: SDR Gamma

  • madVR has complete control over the output, especially if the calibrated gamma of the display matches the output gamma from madVR. There is no extra processing by the display;
  • The relative SDR gamma curve makes it easy to configure the brightness to your liking by adjusting the display target nits up or down;
  • The dynamic tone mapping used by madVR can adjust the display tone curve throughout the presentation without any interference from the display. Most HDR displays apply static tone mapping based on a single HDR10 static metadata value (MaxCLL or mastering display maximum luminance). Most often this results in a dimmer image than desired and some clipping of specular highlight detail, as the fixed curve is unable to react to the continually varying peak brightness of the video. Static metadata is also known to be wildly inaccurate in many cases.

  • HDR to SDR is more difficult to configure than simple HDR10 passthrough to get a good result;
  • The SDR gamma curve is relative with many choices for display gamma and the PQ EOTF is absolute, which again makes it more difficult to configure to get a good result;
  • madVR must use the fixed gamma luminance scale to produce PQ luminance values;
  • Both HDR and SDR share the same calibration. The result is limited by the calibrated peak brightness of the display in SDR output. If the display uses a strict 100-120 nits SDR calibration, a low dynamic range presentation (not that much different than SDR) can be the result.
(2015-05-27, 16:03)ashlar Wrote:
(2015-05-26, 11:27)ashlar Wrote: Is it still possible to use the mpc-hc rendering engine? With XySubFilter it seems one cannot shift subtitles on black bars (think 2:35 movies).
Apart from the above question, I've noticed another thing: when a video with no audio is played back, Kodi freezes. Tried with both Reclock and standard DirectSound audio renderer. You might ask why I play back videos with no audio, they're test patterns for video calibration.

Is it possible to upload the video to Google Drive or something similar?
(2015-05-27, 00:18)GlennNZ Wrote: Hi
Thanks for all your work on this.

Getting an unusual resolution change issue with 25hz (screen does 50hz)
(Will post log tonight - could not see anything obvious)

Screen does not change resolution to 50hz and results in very bad playback.
Tried all the change resolution Kodi settings - Always/On/Off etc no change to issue.

Finally on changing to MadVR fullscreen exclusive (which had moved away from to minimise issues)
does the resolution correctly change and playback appears correct.

Using Build 7/Latest MadVR - screen in fullscreen windowed mode.
MadVR - Ctrl+J - shows 24hz screen, file 25hz.

On thing I haven't attempted is to move to MadVR for resolution change - which I understand was suggested against?
(is this still the case even with 0.8888)



I'd try madVR refresh rate switching with Kodi refresh rate switching still enabled. See if that fixes or breaks anything.
(2015-05-27, 16:03)ashlar Wrote: Apart from the above question, I've noticed another thing: when a video with no audio is played back, Kodi freezes. Tried with both Reclock and standard DirectSound audio renderer. You might ask why I play back videos with no audio, they're test patterns for video calibration.

i added a tiben20 patch to fix this, are you using isengard dsplayer?


i worked a little bit on an aspect of DSPlayer madVR that was not working properly... with this release it's a first approch to have madvr playback even while we are in kodi main menu




are they using Isengard DSPlayer with the latest testbuild?


i just discovered that each skin manage the video playback under the main menu in a different way so it's better to leave this features for now, i will revert these changes
I am curious if the black screen problem is improved by using the new Direct3D 11 Presentation Path. This settings improves the speed of entering and exiting Fullscreen exclusive mode.
The following instructions are only for Isengard DSPlayer v15.1 or lower version (Isengard DSPlayer 15.2 and 16.0 Instructions)

MediaPortal TsReader Filter for DSPlayer:
Support RTSP LiveTV streams with timeshift buffer and video seeking functionality, using MediaPortal TsReader DirectShow Filter.

Support MediaPortal and ArgusTV PVR TV-backends.

PVR LiveTV features with MediaPortal TsReader Filter:
1. Timeshift buffer and video seeking support.
2. Top Progress bar OSD, displays timeshift buffer time.
3. Channel info OSD dialog, displays EPG time and EPG progress bar.



MediaPortal TsReader Filter for DSPlayer:
Old releases:
MediaPortal users: Change "Streaming method" to "ffmpeg" in MediaPortal PVR Addon settings.

mediasconfig.xml rules:
<rule filetypes="mkv|avi|divx|ogm|mp4|mov|m4v|flv|m2v|mpeg|mpg|mts|m2ts|bdmv">
    <source filter="lavsource" />
    <splitter filter="lavsplitter" />
    <video filter="lavvideo" />
    <audio filter="lavaudio" />
<!-- Rules for .ts files  -->
<rule filetypes="ts">
    <source filter="tsreader" />
    <splitter filter="tsreader" />
    <video filter="lavvideo" />
    <audio filter="lavaudio" />
<!-- Rules for rtsp stream  -->
<rule protocols="rtsp">
    <video filter="lavvideo" />
    <audio filter="lavaudio" />
<rule url="true" protocols="rtsp">
    <source filter="tsreader" />

<filter name="tsreader" type="source">
    <osdname>MediaPortal File Reader</osdname>

    <rules action="prepend">
        <rule protocols="daap|rtv|rtmp|http|https|rtmpe|mms|rtp" player="DVDPlayer" />
        <rule name="All Other" player="DSPlayer"/>

DSPlayer Config XML Files

My little modified version of MediaPortal TSreader for DSPlayer
(2015-05-26, 23:57)djoole Wrote: So with build 7, when i have the black screen with kodi not answering, in only see this in the logs :
23:45:23 T:3136   DEBUG: CmadVRAllocatorPresenter::ExclusiveCallback madVR IsAboutToBeEntered/IsAboutToBeLeft in Fullscreen Exclusive-Mode
And when the video is closed without problem i see this :
22:55:04 T:3564   DEBUG: CmadVRAllocatorPresenter::ExclusiveCallback madVR IsAboutToBeEntered/IsAboutToBeLeft in Fullscreen Exclusive-Mode
22:55:04 T:2012   DEBUG: CmadVRAllocatorPresenter::RestoreKodiDevice Restored Kodi device
22:55:04 T:2012   DEBUG: CmadVRAllocatorPresenter::~CmadVRAllocatorPresenter Resources released

I'm going to install build 8 and will let you know tomorrow when i have the chance to watch more videos..

As for the GPU burning during pause, I haven't checked with GPU-Z, but the GPU fans are making a lot of noise, so I'm pretty sure the GPU is quite stressed during pause..
So far so good with buil 8 (apart for GPUbruning during pause)
@for all

the member @*Roma* has made some improvements to use pvr functionality of kodi with dsplayer, i know that there are alot of you that will love to use the dsplayer+livetv this it's the moment to come out and test Smile


just sent a message to madshi for gpu burning, from my side i made my best, i think that could be some new in the next month
so for the focus/black screen problem you tested during these days with full success?


i think that with this last mod madVR should work (incredibly) like evr on DSPlayer, i have to test another bit, but seems to work with all the skins


aeon nox

aeon mq5
(2015-05-28, 01:05)aracnoz Wrote:
(2015-05-27, 16:03)ashlar Wrote: Apart from the above question, I've noticed another thing: when a video with no audio is played back, Kodi freezes. Tried with both Reclock and standard DirectSound audio renderer. You might ask why I play back videos with no audio, they're test patterns for video calibration.

i added a tiben20 patch to fix this, are you using isengard dsplayer?
Yes, I'm using Isengard, version compiled on May 23rd.

What about subs rendering with mpc-hc engine? There seems to be settings for them in the GUI but I can't seem to find how to use them and XySubFilter doesn't render on black bars of 2:35 movies (with madVR).
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
can you upload somewhere a sample of a file with the problem?

for the old sub rendering engine honestly it's too bad compared to recents version of XySubFilter\Xy VsFilter... madshi already knows about this behavior and should fix this too with one of the next release, more then once guys on doom9 asked about this, so i think that the best solution it's to wait for madVR

then maybe in the while @tiben20 can look where old sub render it's broke and the stuff related to "one stream file", anyway i just retried my avs rc709 files with video only and are played correctly, it's strange

guys i finished my strength i have to recharge Smile
(2015-05-28, 23:57)aracnoz Wrote: @ashlar
can you upload somewhere a sample of a file with the problem?

Here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/watch/dtfvbb798..._Pixel.mp4

Quote:for the old sub rendering engine honestly it's too bad compared to recents version of XySubFilter\Xy VsFilter... madshi already knows about this behavior and should fix this too with one of the next release, more then once guys on doom9 asked about this, so i think that the best solution it's to wait for madVR

Ok, cool. No problem. I can wait. Smile
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2015-05-28, 23:37)aracnoz Wrote: @for all

the member @*Roma* has made some improvements to use pvr functionality of kodi with dsplayer, i know that there are alot of you that will love to use the dsplayer+livetv this it's the moment to come out and test Smile


just sent a message to madshi for gpu burning, from my side i made my best, i think that could be some new in the next month
so for the focus/black screen problem you tested during these days with full success?


i think that with this last mod madVR should work (incredibly) like evr on DSPlayer, i have to test another bit, but seems to work with all the skins


aeon nox

aeon mq5

This is strange. I got no GUI while try to back to main menu with Aeon Nox but Confluence works fine.
Great - thanks
Have you an updated build?
(2015-05-28, 23:44)ashlar Wrote: What about subs rendering with mpc-hc engine? There seems to be settings for them in the GUI but I can't seem to find how to use them and XySubFilter doesn't render on black bars of 2:35 movies (with madVR).

I think you can try set that in XySubfilter / XyVSFilter settings under genereal - vertical padding to extended to 16:9. It might works like what you want.
(2015-05-29, 07:33)oldpoem Wrote:
(2015-05-28, 23:44)ashlar Wrote: What about subs rendering with mpc-hc engine? There seems to be settings for them in the GUI but I can't seem to find how to use them and XySubFilter doesn't render on black bars of 2:35 movies (with madVR).

I think you can try set that in XySubfilter / XyVSFilter settings under genereal - vertical padding to extended to 16:9. It might works like what you want.
I'm using XySubFilter and I don't see the option you are describing. Would you mind posting a screenshot of its loacation?
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
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