2015-06-05, 14:19
Wsnipex has updated the vaapi ppa for us. We are not now on libva 0.38 and libva-driver-intel 1.6.0.pre1. This is the first driver release that includes _all_ the custom patches we maintained over the last months / years. So with 1.6.0 being ready all we need should be there from that side, including bsw, skl support (with hevc vaapi wise). <- the latter does not mean it's usable in kodi, cause ffmpeg lacks this implementation.
Btw. as some have reported, that they have issues with rendering on screen with 15.04's xserver-xorg-video-intel, here is a newer one, that fixes this issue: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5572..._amd64.deb (14.04 and so on does not need this)
Btw. as some have reported, that they have issues with rendering on screen with 15.04's xserver-xorg-video-intel, here is a newer one, that fixes this issue: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5572..._amd64.deb (14.04 and so on does not need this)