XBMC as LG Smart TV Application
Hi guys,

I am using XBMC for long time, but never been involved.... Must say you are doing really good and stable work in the last few years .... Well done!!

So, now - my question is: Is it possible to install XBMC directly on my LG TV (maybe as LG Smart TV Application)?

If not, are you going to support such distribution in the future?

It does not.

It doesn't have all the "stuff" XBMC needs to run. Considering the growing and improving market of $50 HTPC boxes that are tiny as heck, there's not really any incentive to get XBMC working on every manufacturers' specific "smart TV app" platform.
XBMC now can run on LG Google TV (Just updated android 4.22) very good but not on smart TV
Scott et al,

Thanks for your reply. I do not agree with you that 50$ HTPC box is the same solution. If XBMC will run on the TV OS, it will be more elegant. It will be controlled from the same place as all other media controlled and make XBMC integrated part of the TV channels.

I can try to work on this, if someone will be able to point me to how can I create and install "hello world" app on LG smart TV.

trongson - What is: "LG Google TV"

GoogleTV is an Android based smart TV platform provided by Google, LG are one of it's primary supporters however the TV's using this OS are practically non-existent outside of the USA & Korea.

Google is phasing out of the GoogleTV platform in favor of a newer one called Android TV which LG has several products in development (see picture gallery in link).

Porting to LG's own in house smart tv platform would be a waste of time for a few reasons,
1) You'd have to get approval through their app store which they may not give
2) It's largely basic web apps that are on LG smart tv platform.
3) LG has become a big partner of Google and Android TV products will surely be a part of it's product line, while thats no comfort to non Android TV LG owners XBMC is also a demanding app and the faster the hardware in the TV the better.

Even if you could get XBMC to run on LG's in-house smart tv platform in all likelihood it would run poorly given the hardware.

If you really want to pursue it head over here which is LG's smart tv development portal.
(2013-11-10, 11:07)ykamchi Wrote: Scott et al,

Thanks for your reply. I do not agree with you that 50$ HTPC box is the same solution. If XBMC will run on the TV OS, it will be more elegant. It will be controlled from the same place as all other media controlled and make XBMC integrated part of the TV channels.

I can try to work on this, if someone will be able to point me to how can I create and install "hello world" app on LG smart TV.

trongson - What is: "LG Google TV"


I have never seen a built-in smart TV interface that I would call "elegant" in the first place. Lots of sub-$100 boxes (even some $50) have CEC support, allowing them to auto-switch video input and use the same TV remote.
My LG Smart TV OS is extremely elegant
If its not possible to run a full version of Kodi on an LG tv, maybe someone could work on a DLNA front end? Plex has an app on the LG tv that connects to the plex server running on the pc to send videos via dlna to the tv. A frontend app for Kodi on the tv would be nice, so I could use the elegant Kodi interface on the tv, but it would be streaming from Kodi installed on my PC.

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XBMC as LG Smart TV Application0