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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents
why not set the sane 10 sec time out as default then allow the user to choose? or is this not possible a feature?
Works perfectly. Thanks for the work.
alright so i changed the timeout to 100 seconds and wasnt enough, 150 was enough though.

@negge maybe consider increasing it to 150 by default because aslong as you cache it its almost instant the second time around.

to any facing similar issues (unless a solution is implemented), xbmc-video-server/vendor/zendframework/zend-http/zend/http/client.php and search for timeout setting by default it is 10 change this to 150 to be safe,you also need to edit your php.ini and change the max_timeout 30 to 150.

thanks again negge works great
CHANGELOG.md Wrote:#### 1.6.12
* some minor changes to the style sheet to improve the grid layout on all resolutions
* minor updates to the French translation (thanks to @Galixte)
* changed to use case-insensitive matching for usernames during login
* divided the settings area into two sections for improved readability
* fixed library update functionality on certain Isengard alpha backends
* added a new setting to control the request timeout. The default has also been increased from 10 to 30 seconds.
* minor change to the installation instructions (on the wiki) to workaround an issue where yiic may be unexecutable out of the box
When I try to access the videoserver I get redirected to:

However that location does not exist (not as a physical folder atleast)
What could I be doing wrong? Or did it not install correctly?
You're probably missing the mod_rewrite Apache module.
Does this work with Kodi 15? Post#1 says only works with 13
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.

yes, it’s OK with Kodi, i have no problem with it.
I guess I should update the first post.
OK now I'm getting angry. I've been struggling to install this for two days and I can't find what I'm possibly doing wrong.

When running "composer install" in Step 6, I'm getting:
Quote: - Installing zendframework/zend-stdlib (2.2.6)
Downloading: Connecting... Failed to download zendframework/zend-stdlib f
rom dist: The "https://api.github.com/repos/zendframework/Component_ZendStdlib/z
ipball/e646729f2274f4552b6a92e38d8e458efe08ebc5" file could not be downloaded (H
TTP/1.1 404 Not Found)
Now trying to download from source
- Installing zendframework/zend-stdlib (2.2.6)
Cloning e646729f2274f4552b6a92e38d8e458efe08ebc5

Failed to clone [email protected]:zendframework/Component_ZendStdlib.git via g
it, https, ssh protocols, aborting.
- git://github.com/zendframework/Component_ZendStdlib.git
Cloning into 'C:\xbmc\xampp\htdocs\xbmc-video-server\vendor\zendframework
fatal: remote error:
Repository not found.
- https://github.com/zendframework/Compone...Stdlib.git
Cloning into 'C:\xbmc\xampp\htdocs\xbmc-video-server\vendor\zendframework
remote: Invalid username or password.
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://github.com/zendframework/Compon
- [email protected]:zendframework/Component_ZendStdlib.git
Cloning into 'C:\xbmc\xampp\htdocs\xbmc-video-server\vendor\zendframework
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-p
lugins] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-autoloader] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress
] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [pac
kages1] ... [packagesN]

Environment: Windows 8.1 64b, Kodi 15, everything else up to this step worked just fine.
Any ideas?
I somehow got it working, after fiddling a bit with composer.json (but apparently back to the initial version) and doing a "composer clear-cache" several times.
If you get prompted for a token, don't bother generating one, it will not be accepted anyway (at least it wasn't for me, it says no token provided); hit Enter and it will go further.

Now that it's installed, the performance looks to be pretty poor. Whenever I get into the interface, it seems to be endlessly creating some thumbnails or whatever of the films in the Grid View; clicking upon any of them takes ages and I still didn't get any film to actually play over LAN...
(2015-06-07, 17:53)adiadi Wrote: I somehow got it working, after fiddling a bit with composer.json (but apparently back to the initial version) and doing a "composer clear-cache" several times.
If you get prompted for a token, don't bother generating one, it will not be accepted anyway (at least it wasn't for me, it says no token provided); hit Enter and it will go further.

Your issue with Composer looked like a temporary glitch in Github. I've updated all project dependencies to newer versions just in case some of the older versions weren't available anymore. Follow the upgrade instructions on the wiki in order to update your installation.

adiadi Wrote:Now that it's installed, the performance looks to be pretty poor. Whenever I get into the interface, it seems to be endlessly creating some thumbnails or whatever of the films in the Grid View; clicking upon any of them takes ages and I still didn't get any film to actually play over LAN...

This is unfortunately a bug in Kodi and I can't do anything about it. See http://trac.kodi.tv/ticket/15921 and 6892 (PR). I think the problem only happens when Kodi is run on Windows, for now the only solution is to use Helix instead.
Does it make any sense to try an alternate method to get the size?
Not really, it will fail in other image related functions later on.
Hello, i am the next problem, i am install xbmc web server following the instructions of the wiki page of the program, everywhere is perfect. I Played a movie in the PC who are the server and plays without problem, but when i go to other PC (desktop or laptop) and play the movie with vlc, he don't play any movie, i taste a lot of things but don't play without the server who are the movie. Can you help me please?

All my PC'S have a Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits
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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents9