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[REQUEST] BBC iPlayer (Video) Plugin or Script?
I agree, I find it quite bizare that nobody is officially looking into it. Obviously XBMC is moving away from the xbox but what made XBMC so great, for me and I am sure most people, is that you could install and set up a relatively cheap but extremely good media centre using just an xbox. Furthermore, correct me if I am wrong, but using XBMC on a PC or Mac is not as easy as using the xbox, for a start XBMC starts up much quicker on the xbox and I am assuming (again correct me if I am wrong) XBMC needs much more fine tuning if its on a pc/mac (thus the xbox still has its uses). I just find it baffling how a major feature that would enhance scripts has been abandoned on the very platform that has made XBMC what it is today. I'm not looking to start an argument and I do understand that other stuff might be going on/busy schedules etc. I'm just hoping to touch on a point that may make someone think and hopefully speed up the implementation of RTMP support on the xbox.
Personally I think XBMC should still be dedicated to the xbox.

In the UK you can get an xbox for as little as £10 ($5) on ebay meaning that you can get a very cheap media center using this software.

I have been thinking though, if the script relys on RTMP why not use the flash stream which XBMC supports natively. Although it would compromise on quality, at least something is better than nothing.
tech3475 Wrote:I have been thinking though, if the script relys on RTMP why not use the flash stream which XBMC supports natively. Although it would compromise on quality, at least something is better than nothing.

The RTMP stream IS the Flash stream. The lack of RTMP support is why it isn't working - other sites that also use Flash for streaming video use a different protocol (which is why YouTube works but iPlayer doesn't).
my mistake.

It seems that the only way to get the Xbox build to support it would be for someone to write/port it using the svn build of xbmc for xbox.
I still only use the Xbox... not to sound cheesey but "it just works" simple and as tech3475 says they can be had for £10!... I have treid other versions of XBMC and while they are great I still at this time prefer the "one box designed to pluggin a telly" solution and you dont have to jump through hoops to get it to work. and if I'm honest I cant really afford another reasonably high spec PC to run other versions in my lounge... If I could compile or help in anyway I would but I'm a Nortel engineer and dont really have a clue on programming.... but being the "Grandaddy" of it all think it desirves not to be brushed aside....... yet. Sad the RTMP support would be great!
does the windows build have RTMP? Cause that would be the easiest way to port it to the xbox.
Just tested with the latest Windows installer Version and it is running smooth ;-)
I have now managed to successfully install the BBC iPlayer plugin. (Initially I was not successful because while I had put it in the right place, I had renamed the folder the plugin came in.)

I am using Plex (formerly OSXBMC) running on a Mac, and have added it as a Video source. However when I access it, it lists the channels, lets me select a day, but finds zero programmes for every day and every channel tried.

I am resident in the UK.

Any ideas what is going wrong?
does the OSX build also support RTMP?
johnsto Wrote:The RTMP stream IS the Flash stream. The lack of RTMP support is why it isn't working - other sites that also use Flash for streaming video use a different protocol (which is why YouTube works but iPlayer doesn't).

Could we not even download files using the xbox?
I concur. I love running XBMC on XBox, I've got 3 lying around, one without a HDD for now (spares!) my parents have one, my GFs sister has one. I still strongly recommend them to folks who want a media PC. I would however recommend spending £15 from http://www.quietpc.com to get a 70mm fan to replace the very NOISEY original XBox one. You can generally pickup an original xbox remote for less than a £5 from gamestation! I mainly use a laptop for computing stuff and XBMC is not even working on these currently.
tech3475 Wrote:does the OSX build also support RTMP?

I have no idea, but it is not even getting as far as trying to play one, remember I said it finds 'zero' programmes when I select a channel and a day.
Rocky5 Wrote:Could we not even download files using the xbox?

That was how it worked before but now encryption is included in this case
jelockwood Wrote:I am using Plex (formerly OSXBMC) running on a Mac, and have added it as a Video source. However when I access it, it lists the channels, lets me select a day, but finds zero programmes for every day and every channel tried.

Any ideas what is going wrong?

Been away for the past week (QuakeCon!) so not been able to have a look at this yet, but ta for letting me know. Once the jetlag has gone away I'll have a peek Smile
pt-1 Wrote:That was how it worked before but now encryption is included in this case

There is no encryption for the mp4 files well if you do it the way the ipod touch or iphone do it there is no encryption.
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[REQUEST] BBC iPlayer (Video) Plugin or Script?7