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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
EDIT : this is test build 1 (Downloading build 2 now)

Test build - further testing

With some files - playback doesn't start
Blank screen, sometimes buffering remains on screen.
madVR Ctrl-J shows stats on/off - low latency mode
No other control functions.
blank screen remains - have to task manager close Kodi
Same file same issue.

Plays fine Mpc



Thanks again
Hopefully these are helpful to troubleshoot
(2015-07-28, 12:52)aracnoz Wrote:
(2015-07-28, 11:56)ashlar Wrote: If I have just madVR doing the switch, even with your new version, aracnoz, that field stays at 0 and the audio is not in sync.

yes i broke this with the latest change for the refresh etc, i prepared another test build


let me know if with this build your problem with the pause etc etc it's solved


This seems to be working great for me - thanks!

LG OLED55BX6LB, Zidoo Z1000 Pro (ZDMC 20.2 Arctic Zephyr 2 Resurrection), Yamaha RX-A3060, Polk Signature Fronts & Centre, Wharfedale D300 Atmos surrounds, Heco Victa Prime Sub 252A, DSPeaker Antimode 8033 Cinema
Test 2:

Thanks for test 2/fix.

Happy to report that -- Pause/Unpaused seems to be working well.
Still having issue where file does not play and blank MadVR screen.
Log (above under test1 and below test2)



Dsplayer test2 build - skin aeon mq5 mod
madVR 0.88.21
Direct3D 11 for presentation
fullscreen exclusive mode
Kodi set to NOT to Adjust display refresh rate
madVR display modes: 1080p23, 1080p50, 1080p60
Force madVR to exit from fullscreen before stop
Hi Guys, thanks for your hard work!

Few stupid questions from newbie Smile
Main question, I didn't found answer on 1st page - what this new player gives us?
Please get me right, as regular stupid user, I have no idea what is >>DirectShow filters such as LAV Filters, Xy-SubFilter...

Could someone write (better on the 1st page) some comparison with default player, describe benefits and may be describe how to use it right? Should I install some extras to get benefits from DSPlayer? I mean I have no idea if I should install something you call LAV Filters, Xy-SubFilter...

Some description on what is madVR is and how can we use it would be great!

Thank you
And again thank you guys!

if this new way can create some instability at playstart, i prefer to revert this changes to avoid problems


for the next build i will mantain the fix to solve your problems on pause (probably also others problems with repeated frames) and the possibility to set a different delay for each refresh by advancedsettings.xml even when the refresh it's handled only by madVR

you will return to see the kodi menu after the refresh change performed by madVR, anyway the execution time for me it's always the same with kodi or with madvr with all these version and previous, it's not so good to see again the menu after the switching but it's only a visual thing

the real difference, as already said @a11599, it's that with madvr the refresh it's set better than with kodi

to avoid any stuttering after that kodi has switched the refresh i need to use reclock with some 24p media, instead with madVR that manages everything, i can reproduce the smooth motion without have to use reclock
(2015-07-28, 12:52)aracnoz Wrote:
(2015-07-28, 11:56)ashlar Wrote: If I have just madVR doing the switch, even with your new version, aracnoz, that field stays at 0 and the audio is not in sync.

yes i broke this with the latest change for the refresh etc, i prepared another test build


let me know if with this build your problem with the pause etc etc it's solved


Hi aracnoz, this works perfectly for me. Although it still sets delay at 1ms less in LAV Audio than what's in advancedsettings.xml (clearly 1ms doesn't make any difference for lip synching but it's strange). Are we sure that Glenn's problems din't stem from something else?
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2015-07-28, 15:22)tom3m Wrote: Hi Guys, thanks for your hard work!

Few stupid questions from newbie Smile
Main question, I didn't found answer on 1st page - what this new player gives us?
Please get me right, as regular stupid user, I have no idea what is >>DirectShow filters such as LAV Filters, Xy-SubFilter...

Could someone write (better on the 1st page) some comparison with default player, describe benefits and may be describe how to use it right? Should I install some extras to get benefits from DSPlayer? I mean I have no idea if I should install something you call LAV Filters, Xy-SubFilter...

Some description on what is madVR is and how can we use it would be great!

Thank you
And again thank you guys!

Try this link: 222576 (thread)

Perhaps you can replace DSPlayer Features: on the first page with the text below:

DVDPlayer vs. DSPlayer Features:
  • DVDPlayer:
    - Audio/Video Filters: FFmpeg
    - Video Rendering: DXVA / Software / Pixel Shaders (Lanczos3, Spline36, Bicubic, etc.)
    - Video Output: 8-bit undithered
    - Post-processing: none
    - Other Features: native support for all Kodi addons; internal subtitle engine works without external filters.
    - Application: Lower resource use while delivering high-quality rendering to low-powered platforms.
  • DSPlayer:
    - Audio/Video Filters: DirectShow (LAV Filters, XySubFilter, FFDShow, ReClock, etc.)
    - Video Rendering: madVR (Jinc, super-xbr, NNEDI3, etc.), EVR & VMR9
    - Video Output - madVR: 16 bit processing dithered to 10 bits or less
    - Post-processing - madVR: image sharpening, artifact removal (debanding), gamut & gamma correction via 3D LUTs
    - Other Features: custom GUIs for DSPlayer settings and madVR rendering; compatible with most Kodi addons.
    - Application - madVR: No shortcuts - bypasses graphics card's video (damage) algorithms - highest quality retains priority over anything else; complex, fully-customizable video rendering.
I know this could be even simpler, but I don't think DSPlayer is meant for novice users, unless that novice user is interested in doing some extended reading on a/v filters and a/v rendering. Because of madVR, DSPlayer setup has become moderately complex and far from plug-and-play.
(2015-07-29, 00:50)Warner306 Wrote: @aracnoz

Perhaps you can replace DSPlayer Features: on the first page with the text below:

sorry but i cannot add this fight between DSPlayer against DVDPlayer at first page, i know that yours are good intentions maybe i'm wrong but don't seems to respect the original kodi version
there are also hundred of aspects where dvdplayer it's better than the actual DSPlayer version, sure if you look exclusively at picture quality there are advantages thx to madVR scaler (then should be madvr vs dvdplayer)

but although i tried to reproduce the original Kodi experience in DSPlayer, so everything configurable by the gui and without too many configuration through xml file, it's not the same and probably i will never able to reproduce a bug free version of DSPlayer even if in my system everything works as it should, kodi it's like a mini OS and there are infinite possibility where to use DVDPlayer

so DSPlayer it's a DirectShow player based, and if you don't know nothing about that or madVR it's useless to use it because you probably will only see the flaws and not the merits



some of you asked me about Directx11 version, this could be a real problem for the future of DSPlayer, EVR and VMR are totally based in DX9 as the internal subtitles engine
also the madVR integration actually use the direct3ddevice9 textures from kodi directly printed on the direct3ddevice9 of madVR to show the KodiGUI, madVR rendering it's based only in dx9 the dx11 option in the tray icon it's only for the presentation

so it's a very strange moment for the DSPlayer future life because i have already prepared an alternative version of DSPlayer + madVR that it's based on shared textures (thx to some friends in the web that helped me) with this version actually i can share a texture from the kodi dx9 device to madvr dx9 device... in the future it will be easy to upgrade to share a texture from kodi dx11 device to madvr dx9 device, pratically it's more simple to me upgrade the madvr integration to dx11, where the works it's almost already done that work on EVR, VMR and internal subtitles engine, i really don't like the idea to abandon EVR because DSPlayer it will become a madVR player based Smile

anyway all this it's to tell that i cannot do everything by myself, i have the skills to do that (i have to study the dx11 because i know nothing at moment on that) but not the time necessary to make this work, again and again for each massive change in kodi main branch, so if there is someone out there that want help the DSPlayer project and his future it's welcome, at first page there are the link to my github with shared version of DSPlayer+madVR
i know that there are alot of you developer that are using DSPlayer or at least that can see an tremendous potential i need an help to move DSPlayer to the next step
aracnoz, I think all the work you've done by yourself so far would definitely be worthy of some attention. I hope some skilled devs will see it the same way.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
Agree completaly with @ashlar
Silverstone Grandia GD05 - Intel i5 3570k -Asus H61M-G Micro-ATX - Unidad Blu-ray
MSI GTX970 4GB GDDR5 - 8 GB RAM DDR3 - AVR Denon X3400H Atmos - LG  OLED 55C7V
I didn't know the comparison between DVDPlayer and DSPlayer would be contentious. Obviously, I have a bias towards DSPlayer. Setting up madVR with its best scaling algorithms, adding sharpening, debanding and dithering produces an image that is very different from DVDPlayer. I can't go back to DVDPlayer because the picture quality of DSPlayer is so much better.

The lack of developer support is confusing. I would guess many developers have not even tried DSPlayer. I don't know how to get them to give it a try. This program has become so nerdy due to its deep customization, I would have guessed many developers would be happy to help. Perhaps the complex, messing nature of using madVR as the video renderer scares them off.

Oh well...back to picking through my TV shows. It's not the like the player isn't loved by some. I have gone nuts writing a set-up guide because there is so much to talk about to get it all running at its best. If you don't think the picture quality of DSPlayer + madVR is awesome, you need to spend more time tinkering with your set-up...
Actually it is usually this way since the beginning of DSPlayer. It had been one man project with very little helps along the way. When the man in charge went in haitus , another one took over.

As you might heard there were very few windows specific developer in Kodi communities. There are some who can works windows build but almost all of them works on other platform as well. And now with DX11 migration for Kodi 16 & x64 in the work I'd think most of them already got a lot on their hands already. So it is quite hard to find someone who has interest and skill to invest time on windows-only fork. That's why We'd really appreciated what aracnoz archived & contributed to this particular fork of Kodi.
I just wanted to report back that the issues I had with http/https and other online streaming video addons are all resolved now. I can pretty much can now build any Directshow filtergraph with DSPlayer.. I didn't realize that filtersconfig.xml and mediaconfig.xml under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\players\dsplayer" takes precedence over the ones under "C:\Users\MKANET\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\dsplayer". So, I saw weird filter names that DSPlayer was looking (in my Kodi logs) that I didn't have defined or installed.

I've always had issues with Internet Web Browsers displaying inconsistent/choppy framerate when playing back Silverlight (Flash/HTML5 is not as bad, but still noticeable "Web Streaming Video" quality.

Finally, I can watch Amazon Prime Videos. Youtube, even online PORN videos with MadVR SmoothMotion (synched to 60fps/60hz on my 1080p display) and other MadVR video effects (when needed). and audio processing with ffdshow Audio Processor (ie, Dolby processing for stereo sources, etc). Everything works now; and, completely invisible

@aracnoz thanks for all your effort! And, thanks for fixing the TraktTV rating issue fixed for the next release!
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but i've been away for a while from DSPlaer/madVR updates.
I've decided to upgrade everything. Now madVR is set to use D3D11, and it works great with MPC HC (huge performance increase).
But when i launch videos with DSPlayer, sometimes i have blank screen only with subtitles, sometimes i have the video, but very very dark, with the reds saturated.
No error in Kodi logs.
I've just noticed yesterday night, i still have to install the PDB and make madVR logs.

But my question is : is DSPlayer + madVR compatible with D3D11?
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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows47