(2015-08-25, 01:19)MidnightWatcher Wrote: Yes, but the ivipid intros are 25 fps and movie trailers are 24 fps so enabling "Adjust display refresh rate to match video" forces the refresh rate to switch when going from a 25 fps trailer intro to 24 fps trailers then to a 25 fps home theater intro and then the 24 fps feature presentation. It takes my projector a little bit to adjust to the new refresh rate, resulting in a black screen delay for longer than I would like (with audio but no video for a portion of the intro / trailer). The only thing I can think of is to play all intros and trailers at 60 hz, but then have CinemaVision force 24 hz for the feature film.
You'll likely either have to adjust the refresh rate of your iVipid intros using something like Handbrake, or change the
Pause during refresh rate change setting so that it gives your projector time to switch. CinemaVision won't be forcing a refresh rate change, that could cause a lot of issues.
(2015-08-25, 01:51)FonziQ Wrote: Just out of curiosity if i have 2 audio files say "THX Amazing life (lossless)" and "THX Amazing life" do they both go in the THX audio folder or do i have to create a separate THX (lossless) folder?
What I would do personally, is keep only the lossless file. The two bumpers you have are probably identical, but one has been re-encoded to use a lesser audio codec. You don't have to split them up at all, but I would keep the highest possible quality and get rid of identical lesser quality videos. Just a matter of personal preference. All of the Audio Format bumpers on the CinemaVision site have been re-encoded as MP4 but the audio was left intact to save space.
(2015-08-25, 01:56)schumi2004 Wrote: First I fixed myself a executive producer membership to get all content and placed it in there corresponding (auto created) folders.
Thanks for that! Folks who contribute are the ones helping us pay for the development of this add-on. It's appreciated, since we'd rather not come out of our personal pockets!
(2015-08-25, 01:56)schumi2004 Wrote: When selecting CinemavaVision (needed to restart a few times my OpenElec 5.95.4 system to properly open/launch addon settings)
It played the CV trivia intro and then the problems started.
The trivia did play but all the questions and answers were completly random, it didn't function as supposed to.
We actually identified a problem with the XML files in the slide packs that we fixed yesterday. I'm working on adding the XML and uploading all of the content (again) to the website.
For those of you who want to make that change manually, replace the content in every slides.xml file with:
<question format=".+_q\.jpg" />
<clue1 format=".+_c1\.jpg" />
<clue2 format=".+_c2\.jpg" />
<clue3 format=".+_c3\.jpg" />
<answer format=".+_a\.jpg" />
(2015-08-25, 01:56)schumi2004 Wrote: After trivia ended Kodi volume was set to it's minimum (Why?) needed to set it back to 0dB
After everything was finished, it suddenly jumped back to main/home screen, didn't played the selected movie.
If you're launching any way other than queuing up a movie and then launching the add-on, hitting C, then selecting Play Sequence, I can't guarantee it will work right. Not sure about the volume issue, but I'll ask the developer.
(2015-08-25, 05:06)arithine Wrote: I found it a while ago my self but never said anything, it never really worked for me, which makes sense, it was nice to mess around with the ui though.
What was your impression of the UI?
(2015-08-25, 16:35)antisuck Wrote: - Possible to set a reduced volume for trailers (just like with trivia music) and bump it back up to 0 for the main feature? I find that trailers are usually mixed louder than anything else in the chain, and I end up playing with the remote when I should be relaxing and eating popcorn.
That's not planned, but it's certainly possible. We're only doing that with the music volume during trivia right now.
(2015-08-25, 16:35)antisuck Wrote: - Can the trailer music be sourced from an existing smart playlist rather than from a dedicated folder of music files created specially for the purpose?
In the current build, no. There are plans to add support for playlists, TVTunes, and streaming sources.
(2015-08-25, 16:35)antisuck Wrote: - Could the music fadeout at the end of the trailer segment be tweaked to be be smoother? Not sure if an internal Kodi routine is being used here or if it's some kind of timer loop with incremental adjustments, but I find Cinema Experience's fadeout to be rather slow (unnoticeable) at first then abrupt toward the end. And longer fade times seem to only delay the sudden fade at the end rather than stretching it out.
There isn't a single line of code from Cinema Experience in CinemaVision. Everything was written from the ground up, and that does include the fades. In my testing, it was very smooth and gradual, not sudden like what you're describing happened with CE.
(2015-08-25, 17:46)Levi59 Wrote: I wanted to download some bumper on your site but it's really a pain in the a$$ to download all of them one bye one... Is there any mega pack or at least checkbox to choose the files and download all in one go?
Man, I wish. That's a feature request we made to Invision a while ago, but it's not been added to the software yet. Hopefully that will be added soon.
So the cat's out of the bag. It's clear that some of you are trying out the add-on via the GitHub, which is fine. Please know that the state of the add-on currently on the GitHub is not production, it's barely alpha. Do not try to integrate it into your skin yourself and then launch it. I cannot guarantee that launching it any other way than the way shown in the preview video will work. If you want to launch a movie with CinemaVision, please queue a movie (or however many) up, then launch the CV add-on, hit C to bring up the context menu, and select Play Sequence there.