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[SUPPORT] USTV VoD (Video-on-Demand)

I'm currently facing problems on watching NBC Shows. Don't know if other channels are having the same. After a 3 minute interval the stream is breaking up and I have to reopen it. This is a recurring issue. Could you check my log to find out if there is something you could probably fix?

22:56:26 T:2788148288   ERROR: - - [24/Aug/2015 22:56:26] "GET /0/foxstation/aHR0cDovL25iY21weC12aC5ha2FtYWloZC5uZXQvaS92aWRlby8yNDEvMjgzLzE1MDgxMl8yODkwNDgxX0hlaWRpX0tsdW1fX0RhdmlkX095ZWxvd29fX0Nhcmx5X1JhZV9KZXBzZW5fbXB4XywxNjk2LDEyOTYsODk2LDY5Niw0OTYsMzA2LDI0MCwxNTAsNjQsLm1wNC5jc21pbC9zZWdtZW50MTgxXzBfYXYudHM%2FbnVsbD0maWQ9QWdBK3NsbmhYSHJXNUh1RTIxVmJibis2NWhoZzNrRmM3Vno2YW1rWHVkTXI0VERzRGNpNmhSaVpwSWc0OVhOYjFrRDlBOWdVSjUrdERBJTNkJTNkJmhkbnRsPWV4cD0xNDQwNTM2MDU5fmFjbD0vKn5kYXRhPWhkbnRsfmhtYWM9YzBkNGUxNDEzYWM4YjhmZTZjZWRjMWYzODc2NWY0NWRkYjAyMzhjMmQ5OTIzNmEyYzM3ZmY1ZWQxYTU2YmFmYw%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 200 -
22:56:36 T:2788148288   ERROR: - - [24/Aug/2015 22:56:36] "GET /0/foxstation/aHR0cDovL25iY21weC12aC5ha2FtYWloZC5uZXQvaS92aWRlby8yNDEvMjgzLzE1MDgxMl8yODkwNDgxX0hlaWRpX0tsdW1fX0RhdmlkX095ZWxvd29fX0Nhcmx5X1JhZV9KZXBzZW5fbXB4XywxNjk2LDEyOTYsODk2LDY5Niw0OTYsMzA2LDI0MCwxNTAsNjQsLm1wNC5jc21pbC9zZWdtZW50MTgyXzBfYXYudHM%2FbnVsbD0maWQ9QWdBK3NsbmhYSHJXNUh1RTIxVmJibis2NWhoZzNrRmM3Vno2YW1rWHVkTXI0VERzRGNpNmhSaVpwSWc0OVhOYjFrRDlBOWdVSjUrdERBJTNkJTNkJmhkbnRsPWV4cD0xNDQwNTM2MDU5fmFjbD0vKn5kYXRhPWhkbnRsfmhtYWM9YzBkNGUxNDEzYWM4YjhmZTZjZWRjMWYzODc2NWY0NWRkYjAyMzhjMmQ5OTIzNmEyYzM3ZmY1ZWQxYTU2YmFmYw%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 200 -
22:56:46 T:2788148288   ERROR: - - [24/Aug/2015 22:56:46] "GET /0/foxstation/aHR0cDovL25iY21weC12aC5ha2FtYWloZC5uZXQvaS92aWRlby8yNDEvMjgzLzE1MDgxMl8yODkwNDgxX0hlaWRpX0tsdW1fX0RhdmlkX095ZWxvd29fX0Nhcmx5X1JhZV9KZXBzZW5fbXB4XywxNjk2LDEyOTYsODk2LDY5Niw0OTYsMzA2LDI0MCwxNTAsNjQsLm1wNC5jc21pbC9zZWdtZW50MTgzXzBfYXYudHM%2FbnVsbD0maWQ9QWdBK3NsbmhYSHJXNUh1RTIxVmJibis2NWhoZzNrRmM3Vno2YW1rWHVkTXI0VERzRGNpNmhSaVpwSWc0OVhOYjFrRDlBOWdVSjUrdERBJTNkJTNkJmhkbnRsPWV4cD0xNDQwNTM2MDU5fmFjbD0vKn5kYXRhPWhkbnRsfmhtYWM9YzBkNGUxNDEzYWM4YjhmZTZjZWRjMWYzODc2NWY0NWRkYjAyMzhjMmQ5OTIzNmEyYzM3ZmY1ZWQxYTU2YmFmYw%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 200 -
22:56:56 T:2788148288   ERROR: - - [24/Aug/2015 22:56:56] "GET /0/foxstation/aHR0cDovL25iY21weC12aC5ha2FtYWloZC5uZXQvaS92aWRlby8yNDEvMjgzLzE1MDgxMl8yODkwNDgxX0hlaWRpX0tsdW1fX0RhdmlkX095ZWxvd29fX0Nhcmx5X1JhZV9KZXBzZW5fbXB4XywxNjk2LDEyOTYsODk2LDY5Niw0OTYsMzA2LDI0MCwxNTAsNjQsLm1wNC5jc21pbC9zZWdtZW50MTg0XzBfYXYudHM%2FbnVsbD0maWQ9QWdBK3NsbmhYSHJXNUh1RTIxVmJibis2NWhoZzNrRmM3Vno2YW1rWHVkTXI0VERzRGNpNmhSaVpwSWc0OVhOYjFrRDlBOWdVSjUrdERBJTNkJTNkJmhkbnRsPWV4cD0xNDQwNTM2MDU5fmFjbD0vKn5kYXRhPWhkbnRsfmhtYWM9YzBkNGUxNDEzYWM4YjhmZTZjZWRjMWYzODc2NWY0NWRkYjAyMzhjMmQ5OTIzNmEyYzM3ZmY1ZWQxYTU2YmFmYw%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 200 -
22:57:06 T:2788148288   ERROR: - - [24/Aug/2015 22:57:06] "GET /0/foxstation/aHR0cDovL25iY21weC12aC5ha2FtYWloZC5uZXQvaS92aWRlby8yNDEvMjgzLzE1MDgxMl8yODkwNDgxX0hlaWRpX0tsdW1fX0RhdmlkX095ZWxvd29fX0Nhcmx5X1JhZV9KZXBzZW5fbXB4XywxNjk2LDEyOTYsODk2LDY5Niw0OTYsMzA2LDI0MCwxNTAsNjQsLm1wNC5jc21pbC9zZWdtZW50MTg1XzBfYXYudHM%2FbnVsbD0maWQ9QWdBK3NsbmhYSHJXNUh1RTIxVmJibis2NWhoZzNrRmM3Vno2YW1rWHVkTXI0VERzRGNpNmhSaVpwSWc0OVhOYjFrRDlBOWdVSjUrdERBJTNkJTNkJmhkbnRsPWV4cD0xNDQwNTM2MDU5fmFjbD0vKn5kYXRhPWhkbnRsfmhtYWM9YzBkNGUxNDEzYWM4YjhmZTZjZWRjMWYzODc2NWY0NWRkYjAyMzhjMmQ5OTIzNmEyYzM3ZmY1ZWQxYTU2YmFmYw%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 200 -
22:57:16 T:2788148288   ERROR: - - [24/Aug/2015 22:57:16] "GET /0/foxstation/aHR0cDovL25iY21weC12aC5ha2FtYWloZC5uZXQvaS92aWRlby8yNDEvMjgzLzE1MDgxMl8yODkwNDgxX0hlaWRpX0tsdW1fX0RhdmlkX095ZWxvd29fX0Nhcmx5X1JhZV9KZXBzZW5fbXB4XywxNjk2LDEyOTYsODk2LDY5Niw0OTYsMzA2LDI0MCwxNTAsNjQsLm1wNC5jc21pbC9zZWdtZW50MTg2XzBfYXYudHM%2FbnVsbD0maWQ9QWdBK3NsbmhYSHJXNUh1RTIxVmJibis2NWhoZzNrRmM3Vno2YW1rWHVkTXI0VERzRGNpNmhSaVpwSWc0OVhOYjFrRDlBOWdVSjUrdERBJTNkJTNkJmhkbnRsPWV4cD0xNDQwNTM2MDU5fmFjbD0vKn5kYXRhPWhkbnRsfmhtYWM9YzBkNGUxNDEzYWM4YjhmZTZjZWRjMWYzODc2NWY0NWRkYjAyMzhjMmQ5OTIzNmEyYzM3ZmY1ZWQxYTU2YmFmYw%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 200 -
22:57:26 T:2788148288   ERROR: - - [24/Aug/2015 22:57:26] "GET /0/foxstation/aHR0cDovL25iY21weC12aC5ha2FtYWloZC5uZXQvaS92aWRlby8yNDEvMjgzLzE1MDgxMl8yODkwNDgxX0hlaWRpX0tsdW1fX0RhdmlkX095ZWxvd29fX0Nhcmx5X1JhZV9KZXBzZW5fbXB4XywxNjk2LDEyOTYsODk2LDY5Niw0OTYsMzA2LDI0MCwxNTAsNjQsLm1wNC5jc21pbC9zZWdtZW50MTg3XzBfYXYudHM%2FbnVsbD0maWQ9QWdBK3NsbmhYSHJXNUh1RTIxVmJibis2NWhoZzNrRmM3Vno2YW1rWHVkTXI0VERzRGNpNmhSaVpwSWc0OVhOYjFrRDlBOWdVSjUrdERBJTNkJTNkJmhkbnRsPWV4cD0xNDQwNTM2MDU5fmFjbD0vKn5kYXRhPWhkbnRsfmhtYWM9YzBkNGUxNDEzYWM4YjhmZTZjZWRjMWYzODc2NWY0NWRkYjAyMzhjMmQ5OTIzNmEyYzM3ZmY1ZWQxYTU2YmFmYw%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 200 -
22:57:36 T:2788148288   ERROR: - - [24/Aug/2015 22:57:36] "GET /0/foxstation/aHR0cDovL25iY21weC12aC5ha2FtYWloZC5uZXQvaS92aWRlby8yNDEvMjgzLzE1MDgxMl8yODkwNDgxX0hlaWRpX0tsdW1fX0RhdmlkX095ZWxvd29fX0Nhcmx5X1JhZV9KZXBzZW5fbXB4XywxNjk2LDEyOTYsODk2LDY5Niw0OTYsMzA2LDI0MCwxNTAsNjQsLm1wNC5jc21pbC9zZWdtZW50MTg4XzBfYXYudHM%2FbnVsbD0maWQ9QWdBK3NsbmhYSHJXNUh1RTIxVmJibis2NWhoZzNrRmM3Vno2YW1rWHVkTXI0VERzRGNpNmhSaVpwSWc0OVhOYjFrRDlBOWdVSjUrdERBJTNkJTNkJmhkbnRsPWV4cD0xNDQwNTM2MDU5fmFjbD0vKn5kYXRhPWhkbnRsfmhtYWM9YzBkNGUxNDEzYWM4YjhmZTZjZWRjMWYzODc2NWY0NWRkYjAyMzhjMmQ5OTIzNmEyYzM3ZmY1ZWQxYTU2YmFmYw%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 200 -
22:57:46 T:2788148288   ERROR: - - [24/Aug/2015 22:57:46] "GET /0/foxstation/aHR0cDovL25iY21weC12aC5ha2FtYWloZC5uZXQvaS92aWRlby8yNDEvMjgzLzE1MDgxMl8yODkwNDgxX0hlaWRpX0tsdW1fX0RhdmlkX095ZWxvd29fX0Nhcmx5X1JhZV9KZXBzZW5fbXB4XywxNjk2LDEyOTYsODk2LDY5Niw0OTYsMzA2LDI0MCwxNTAsNjQsLm1wNC5jc21pbC9zZWdtZW50MTg5XzBfYXYudHM%2FbnVsbD0maWQ9QWdBK3NsbmhYSHJXNUh1RTIxVmJibis2NWhoZzNrRmM3Vno2YW1rWHVkTXI0VERzRGNpNmhSaVpwSWc0OVhOYjFrRDlBOWdVSjUrdERBJTNkJTNkJmhkbnRsPWV4cD0xNDQwNTM2MDU5fmFjbD0vKn5kYXRhPWhkbnRsfmhtYWM9YzBkNGUxNDEzYWM4YjhmZTZjZWRjMWYzODc2NWY0NWRkYjAyMzhjMmQ5OTIzNmEyYzM3ZmY1ZWQxYTU2YmFmYw%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 200 -
22:58:16 T:2788148288  NOTICE: ----------------------------------------
22:58:16 T:2788148288  NOTICE: Exception happened during processing of request from
22:58:16 T:2788148288  NOTICE: ('', 43976)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 295, in _handle_request_noblock
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.process_request(request, client_address)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 321, in process_request
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.finish_request(request, client_address)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 334, in finish_request
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 649, in __init__
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.handle()
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/BaseHTTPServer.py", line 340, in handle
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.handle_one_request()
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/BaseHTTPServer.py", line 328, in handle_one_request
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     method()
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/home/pi/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.ustvvod/resources/lib/proxy.py", line 49, in do_GET
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.answer_request(1)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/home/pi/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.ustvvod/resources/lib/proxy.py", line 74, in answer_request
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.serveFoxStation(request_path, sendData)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/home/pi/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.ustvvod/resources/lib/proxy.py", line 102, in serveFoxStation
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.serveFile(fURL, data, cookienum = i)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/home/pi/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.ustvvod/resources/lib/proxy.py", line 136, in serveFile
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     response = opener.open(request, timeout = TIMEOUT)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 401, in open
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     response = self._open(req, data)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 419, in _open
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     '_open', req)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 379, in _call_chain
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     result = func(*args)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1211, in http_open
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1181, in do_open
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR:     raise URLError(err)
22:58:16 T:2788148288   ERROR: URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
22:58:16 T:2788148288  NOTICE: ----------------------------------------
22:58:36 T:2713916480  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
22:58:36 T:2713916480  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: eof, waiting for queues to empty
22:58:36 T:2713916480  NOTICE: Closing stream player 1
22:58:36 T:2713916480  NOTICE: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::WaitUntilEmpty
22:58:36 T:2705527872  NOTICE: thread end: OMXPlayerAudio::OnExit()
22:58:36 T:2713916480  NOTICE: Closing stream player 2
22:58:36 T:2713916480  NOTICE: CDVDMessageQueue(video)::WaitUntilEmpty
22:58:36 T:2754606144   ERROR: OMXPlayerVideo: Got MSGQ_IS_ERROR(-1) Aborting
22:58:36 T:2754606144  NOTICE: thread end: video_thread
22:58:36 T:2788148288  NOTICE: ----------------------------------------
22:58:36 T:2788148288  NOTICE: Exception happened during processing of request from
22:58:36 T:2788148288  NOTICE: ('', 43978)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 295, in _handle_request_noblock
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.process_request(request, client_address)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 321, in process_request
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.finish_request(request, client_address)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 334, in finish_request
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 649, in __init__
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.handle()
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/BaseHTTPServer.py", line 340, in handle
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.handle_one_request()
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/BaseHTTPServer.py", line 328, in handle_one_request
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     method()
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/home/pi/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.ustvvod/resources/lib/proxy.py", line 49, in do_GET
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.answer_request(1)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/home/pi/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.ustvvod/resources/lib/proxy.py", line 74, in answer_request
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.serveFoxStation(request_path, sendData)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/home/pi/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.ustvvod/resources/lib/proxy.py", line 102, in serveFoxStation
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     self.serveFile(fURL, data, cookienum = i)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/home/pi/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.ustvvod/resources/lib/proxy.py", line 136, in serveFile
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     response = opener.open(request, timeout = TIMEOUT)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 401, in open
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     response = self._open(req, data)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 419, in _open
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     '_open', req)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 379, in _call_chain
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     result = func(*args)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1211, in http_open
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1181, in do_open
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR:     raise URLError(err)
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR: URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
22:58:36 T:2788148288  NOTICE: ----------------------------------------
22:58:36 T:2774529088  NOTICE: **************************** End Event *****************************
22:58:36 T:2774529088  NOTICE: **************************** End Event -- Stopping Server *****************************
22:58:36 T:2774529088  NOTICE: connection :: getURL :: url = http://localhost:12345/stop
22:58:36 T:2788148288   ERROR: - - [24/Aug/2015 22:58:36] "GET /stop HTTP/1.1" 200 -
22:58:36 T:2788148288  NOTICE: Server stopped
22:58:37 T:2713916480  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
22:58:37 T:2788148288  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
22:58:38 T:3038142464  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
22:58:38 T:3038142464  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
22:58:38 T:3038142464  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
22:58:38 T:3038142464  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
22:58:38 T:3038142464  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
22:58:38 T:3038142464  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
22:58:38 T:3038142464  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE: Found 1 Lists of Devices
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE: Enumerated PI devices:
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:     Device 1
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_deviceName      : HDMI
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_displayName     : HDMI
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_displayNameExtra:
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_deviceType      : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_channels        : FL,FR
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_sampleRates     : 8000,11025,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:     Device 2
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_deviceName      : Analogue
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_displayName     : Analogue
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_displayNameExtra:
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_deviceType      : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_channels        : FL,FR
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_sampleRates     : 48000
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_dataFormats     : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_S32LE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_FLOATP,AE_FMT_S32NEP,AE_FMT_S16NEP
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:     Device 3
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_deviceName      : Both
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_displayName     : HDMI and Analogue
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_displayNameExtra:
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_deviceType      : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_channels        : FL,FR
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_sampleRates     : 48000
22:58:38 T:3038135360  NOTICE:         m_dataFormats     : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_S32LE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_FLOATP,AE_FMT_S32NEP,AE_FMT_S16NEP

I appreciate your help - thank's in advance

Kind regards, BD
Working for me, but try de-selecting 'Select Quailty' in settings.
Im not sure you what the issue is, or if there is anything that can be done, but I noticed that Mister Rogers Neighborhood isn't in PBS kids anymore.
At first I thought PBS pulled it from their site, but it is still there http://pbskids.org/rogers/videos/index.html

It was hard to say its gone to my son when he says "daddy put on mitta rojas"
Fix in github for pbskids.
I've added about a dozen shows to my USTV VoD favorites. Selected each one for import. Added the following directory to my tv shows on my mac setup library/application support/kodi/userdata/addondata/plugin.video.ustvvod. I refresh my library and at the movies, packages from planet x, an tv noir show up. I didn't add any of these. Am I missing a step?

thanks in advance.
(2015-09-09, 17:30)TJM1985 Wrote: I've added about a dozen shows to my USTV VoD favorites. Selected each one for import. Added the following directory to my tv shows on my mac setup library/application support/kodi/userdata/addondata/plugin.video.ustvvod. I refresh my library and at the movies, packages from planet x, an tv noir show up. I didn't add any of these. Am I missing a step?

thanks in advance.

TJM, it's because USTVVOD creates a subfolder called "TV" inside of the directory you pick.... My only annoyance with the way this integrates.

My fix was to create a separate directory for USTVVOD and let it create its "TV" subfolder, then I add that subfolder to Kodi as a TV directory. I really wish USTVVOD would just create the show folders inside of the directory I pick rather than an addtional sub folder that I have no control over.
(2015-09-09, 17:48)imadunatic Wrote:
(2015-09-09, 17:30)TJM1985 Wrote: I've added about a dozen shows to my USTV VoD favorites. Selected each one for import. Added the following directory to my tv shows on my mac setup library/application support/kodi/userdata/addondata/plugin.video.ustvvod. I refresh my library and at the movies, packages from planet x, an tv noir show up. I didn't add any of these. Am I missing a step?

thanks in advance.

TJM, it's because USTVVOD creates a subfolder called "TV" inside of the directory you pick.... My only annoyance with the way this integrates.

My fix was to create a separate directory for USTVVOD and let it create its "TV" subfolder, then I add that subfolder to Kodi as a TV directory. I really wish USTVVOD would just create the show folders inside of the directory I pick rather than an addtional sub folder that I have no control over.

Thank you for such a quick response. Can you give me an example? I'm not totally following you. Example, do you mean for The Late Show With Stephen Colbert? I create a directory called /kodi/userdata/addondata/plugin.video.ustvvod/tv/The Late Show With Stephen Colbert?
Not exactly, just make sure in Kodi when you add the directory to your video collection (under files) you pick "*/kodi/userdata/addondata/plugin.video.ustvvod/tv" not "*/kodi/userdata/addondata/plugin.video.ustvvod"

Unfortunately I don't have access to my box right now so I can't show you exactly, but Kodi is picking up the "*/tv" folder as a show (hence the "TV Noir" in your show listings), not as a directory.

If I'm home early enough tonight I'll post pics of my exact setup. It's so much easier with pictures. LOL.

I just had this exact problem setting up a box for my dad this weekend, so it's fresh in my brain.
(2015-09-09, 18:47)imadunatic Wrote: Not exactly, just make sure in Kodi when you add the directory to your video collection (under files) you pick "*/kodi/userdata/addondata/plugin.video.ustvvod/tv" not "*/kodi/userdata/addondata/plugin.video.ustvvod"

Unfortunately I don't have access to my box right now so I can't show you exactly, but Kodi is picking up the "*/tv" folder as a show (hence the "TV Noir" in your show listings), not as a directory.

If I'm home early enough tonight I'll post pics of my exact setup. It's so much easier with pictures. LOL.

I just had this exact problem setting up a box for my dad this weekend, so it's fresh in my brain.

Thanks so much. I do follow a little more, but I will continue to tinker with it later.
You get the separate TV folder to separate from movie exports. I'll see about providing options to specify a custom folder for each ifI have time. Defaults won't change, I may see about some kind of source validation though.
Ok, I did a quick setup to show my default directory in the USTVVOD settings:


This is my directory when I add it to the video section as tv shows:


Now that I've opened my mouth, this actually makes perfect sense considering that it also exports movies. Would be nice to have the option to pick custom "final" directories for movies and tv, but it's not a necessity I guess. I love this addon, so I hate to speak any ill of it at all.
(2015-09-09, 19:10)imadunatic Wrote: Ok, I did a quick setup to show my default directory in the USTVVOD settings:


This is my directory when I add it to the video section as tv shows:


Now that I've opened my mouth, this actually makes perfect sense considering that it also exports movies. Would be nice to have the option to pick custom "final" directories for movies and tv, but it's not a necessity I guess. I love this addon, so I hate to speak any ill of it at all.

Okay, I have to translate the G drive to Mac speak, then I'll report back. While I do that, where is the updater script zip?
Since using USTV i've noticed something strange, no ustv addon works with 4g connections but works fine with normal WIFI, i can access and watch directly from the site with a 4g connection no problem, but even if i use a sniffer to grab the stream url and try manually opening the url in kodi or vlc it doesn't work with 4g. this is how i know its not a problem with the addons. i've noticed the same pattern with vpns the addons nor the url will work with vpns enabled but will work directly on the site. Anyone know why this might be and what if anything i can do to fix this? I need help with this since my home WIFI is a grandfathered unlimited 4g hotspot. i also have normal cable Wifi for the moment that ill soon be getting rid of within the next week.
(2015-09-09, 19:27)TJM1985 Wrote: Okay, I have to translate the G drive to Mac speak, then I'll report back. While I do that, where is the updater script zip?

Should just be able to install the library updater from the xbmcplus repo under programs.

(2015-09-09, 19:36)imadunatic Wrote:
(2015-09-09, 19:27)TJM1985 Wrote: Okay, I have to translate the G drive to Mac speak, then I'll report back. While I do that, where is the updater script zip?

Should just be able to install the library updater from the xbmcplus repo under programs.


Script installed. I'm still struggling with the translation of your directory to Mac though. When I specific TV at the end of my original directory, it still adds at the movies and none of my shows.
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