(2015-09-11, 06:46)dexdeadly Wrote: Hello Scott, so this is what I have found, my mkv and avi files will play fine within the plugin. Whenever one of my .mp4 files goes to load it does not. Again this happens from what I found only on .mp4 files. that thtis happens. Here is a link to the Kodi log.
Also is there a way to speed up the loading of it, seems once I hit CinemaVision it takes almost a min to load.
We're trying to take a look at this... not sure yet what could be causing it.
(2015-09-11, 07:11)Warner306 Wrote: I am experiencing two errors with the recent beta:
1. I am getting an error dialog in between each video which says: Playlist "Can't find a next item to play."
2. Pressing SkipForward causes the sequence to crash to the Kodi menu (This is shown in the second sequence in the log).
Here is my complete debug log: http://xbmclogs.com/pbc3mp7rp
Thanks for the log! I think we know what's causing this, and it should be addressed in the next version.
(2015-09-11, 07:38)dexdeadly Wrote: Last one before I crash out. Is there anyway that when I'm pausing or resuming the movie I can trigger an action file? I'd like to raise my lights on pause and dim them back out when I resume.
There is not! I knew we forgot something. If it's not in the next release, it will be in the one after. We'll add 3 trigger events you can set: Pause, Resume, Sequence Abort.
(2015-09-11, 07:55)Eisi2005 Wrote: @scott
here is the latest log file . The problem with FSK rating are still there.
Something that i found in log is. In line 1060 stands NOTICE: [- CinemaVison -]: Experience: Rating from Kodi: '12' That is the correct rating from the movie. But in line 1098 and 2445 stands nothing or unknown.
Our developer has overhauled the Ratings Bumpers part of the add-on, and that'll be in the next release. We'll need your help testing once it's out. He told me earlier that his Kodi install has been in German testing this all day.
(2015-09-11, 15:36)wpbpete Wrote: 0.0.35 loads the sequences faster very nice
I'm still having this issue http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid2102677
I think I might be done nit-picking LoL
Good to hear! You're not nit-picking at all, that looks irritating. Thankfully, we think we know what's going on here, and it should be fixed in the next release.
(2015-09-11, 17:46)marhutchy Wrote: I use the context menu.
I notice that I have to keep uninstalling the context menu in order to uninstall the the add-on.
Can I just manually delete the add-on along with its data and unzip the updated file to the add-on's folder?
Sure you can. Make sure you close Kodi before deleting the directories and dropping them back where they go.
(2015-09-11, 18:46)MidnightWatcher Wrote: Can someone point me to where I can learn about these "home automation" products that will work with KODI/CinemaVision?
As I learn about different systems, I try to link the API/Devlopment documentation in
this post.
(2015-09-11, 16:55)billroden Wrote: Dex,
Are you trying to dim Hue lights with the pause feature or zwave (other home automation) lights? If you are using hue lights....the phillips hue add on does this very nicely. I use it now on gotham. I haven't had time to play with isengard yet and the family is comfortable with what they know.
When a stable release of cinema vision (CV) is released I will put it on the main HTPC with isengard. I still have to play with isengard (CV) to make a seemless transition to the family machine.
I can't wait to put cinema vision on. Cinema experience (CE) is giving me a headache. The kids like the theater vibe of what cinema vision brings. I get bummed when CE messes up every now and then.
(2015-09-11, 17:23)dexdeadly Wrote: I am using hue lights and I did not know there was an add on out there. I was hoping to avoid another plugin because I am running this on a Raspberry Pi B original. The Cinema Vision that is out right now is working very very well. I only found it by chance when I installed the latest isengard to my pi and ce just wouldn't work right at all. I love the whole theater vibe that I get with the plug in and its a lot easier to config and the whole sequence module idea is great. I like the action files because I can send a quick command to OpenHAB to trigger what I need. What plugin are you using for the bulbs? Right now I only have Hue Lux though I'd expect this not to matter. Thanks for the help!
(2015-09-11, 19:10)billroden Wrote: Dex,
The plug in is actually "phillips hue add on". I've been using it for close to a year now. I couldn't tell you off the top of my head where to find it and it was a little tricky to set up (only because I'm a newbie with xbmc)...I feel like I stumble through a lot of the features that I got running on xbmc but I enjoy tinkering with this stuff. It's probably easier now since I have a little experience now.
There is one glitch on the add on that bugs me though. If your lights change automatically during the course of the day (like mine after sunset)...xbmc will only revert back to the setting of the lights that were currently on when you started xbmc.
So I have a movie setting for my lights and I make sure they're set to that before starting a movie. After that...the lights dim when I press play and come back on when I pause. Cool factor was high enough even for my wife to appreciate it and not snicker like she usually does when I tackle these hobbies.
I will take a look at it when I get home from work. I am pretty sure the add on was in the stock repository that gotham included because I am only now starting to get my feet wet with using other repositories.
I use WMC to watch TV and have an xbmc link in the WMC menu to watch my movies.
I need you fools to help me write up some actions to manipulate Philips Hue!
I want to post some example actions on the site for folks to use.