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TheCocktailDB.com - An Open Cocktail Database with API
(2015-09-04, 12:58)Razze Wrote: This might also be nice if the api gets integrated with duckduckgo search results.

Something along the lines is done here https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclicki.../pull/1208

Very cool, yes that would be quite amazing to have the site integrated into a search engine Smile
also if you like hosting sites, to my knowledge there is no site that is hosting lrc files (scrolling lyrics) has an api and is in english
fyi lyrics are very grey area as they are copyright protected
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@zag I think your 2nd request is also done (by locking the enter/select key in the screensaver and adding a control list):


Please, when possible add the variables with the ingredient description to both Lookup by drink id ( e.g: "strIngredientDescription1","strIngredientDescription2","strIngredientDescription3",etc) and List ingredients (e.g: "strIngredientDescription"). Plus a description for a single ingredient would also be cool for testing purposes.

Ah and a method to get that information provided the ingredient name was also handy
Addon discussion moved to http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=238039 and submited to official repo (http://sourceforge.net/p/xbmc/mailman/message/34436954/ ).

If somebody know some perl and javascript, go ahead and implement this Wink
I like this. It would be cool to be able to have an account on the website. You could then do things like add favourites, add the ingredients that you keep on your shelf, that way you can do custom searches automatically by the ingredients you have.

Keep up the good work Smile
I saw your plugin from the Kodi twitter feed and I think it is awesome. I want to install it on a Raspberry Pi running OpenElec in my basement bar. One problem is that the category filters don't return all the results:

Ordinary drink stops at Brandy Alexander 3

and Coctail stops at Miami Vice

Thanks for sharing your project. I wish I could volunteer to help with it, but right now I have a baby and a toddler and basically zero free time ever.

EDIT: Which I now see you already knew since you said above, "most are currently limited to 250 records." I blame it on not getting enough sleep. See above about baby and toddler.
Smile probably if zag adds a navigation method i'll do it
Yep going to add a few things when I get my computer set-up in my new place again

- Ingredients description
- Return all Drinks
- Ability to return certain number of drinks
- Maybe favourites cocktails per user
- Maybe ingredients "in stock" and filter by that

Some fun times ahead, for anyone who has a bar or just likes drinking :p
(2015-09-18, 09:48)zag Wrote: ...
Some fun times ahead, for anyone who has a bar or just likes drinking :p

tl;dr - British Cool

Great API.

I have one quick question, what would be the quickest way to get the image of a cocktail based on its ID? Or is this not a capability?


(2015-09-27, 16:07)Kiwikee43 Wrote: Hi,

Great API.

I have one quick question, what would be the quickest way to get the image of a cocktail based on its ID? Or is this not a capability?



Just use the ID lookup


The cocktail image is containted in the strDrinkThumb variable
(2015-08-14, 10:50)zag Wrote: NOTE: If you have a finished project, you will need an API key, please PM me or post in this thread.

Hey guys, zag,

My name is Zaahir and I work for DuckDuckGo. We'd like to use your API for an Instant Answer! A developer has already created a working version and I've just merged the Pull Request. You can see it here: https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclicki.../pull/2191

We're having a problem with our demo sever right now, so I can't give you a link to a working example, but the PR should give you an idea of how it will look.

If all of this is alright with you, please send me an API key: EDIT: done

Sure sent!

Lets hope some more people see it and start uploading images.

All it takes is for someone to make the cocktail and take a picture Big Grin
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TheCocktailDB.com - An Open Cocktail Database with API2