Help! Cover flow View
Hi Guys,

1st of all great forum, I have just taken the plunge with an android tv box and installed kodi isengard. I am using the fantastic nebula skin, but am having an issue with the views. I like the look of the cover flow views and am under the impression that I just press the left remote key, when inside an addon such as genesis and should be able to select the view. However, when I press the left key, I don't get any options, any idea what I have done wrong?

If there is a complete manual, then point me that way, I don't mind leg work.

I have read through post after post, but can't find any information on changing the view. Apologies if my search skills aren't up to scratch

The left menu is triggered differently according to the view you are using.
In vertical scrolling views (lists views, icons) you have to go left, in horizontal scrolling views (cover wrap, card list) you have to go up.

Thanks Tgx, I am in a vertical scroll view, when I press the left arrow nothing happens. Is there some way I could have disabled this option?
Make sure the Kiosk mode in Skin settings is disabled.

Fantastic, that was enabled. Much appreciated. Tx

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