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Mod ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)
I am a newbie. I am trying to change the background of the main home screen to something more home theaterish. I found the folder where backgrounds are stored and renamed the red curtain image to be the default file but when i load Kodi it now doesn't have any image at all. Any idea on what I am doing wrong? I did notice the original default image is a .png while all the other images were .jpg. Does that make a difference?
(2015-09-10, 18:36)liam82 Wrote: Hello

Meanwhile really sorry for my poor English, I'm Italian and I do help by google translator.

I apologize because I know very well that in this discussion we talk about Aeon Nox and not of Aeon Mq, but I tried your new skin and I have to say is really wonderful.

I also like you use a screen CIH with VPR and have always found that XBMC (now Kodi) "stretched" was really bad.

Also brilliant idea the option to finally see properly films like Interstellare or Batman.

So I wanted to know if one day you decide to make a modified version for the skin Aeon Mq6 or Aeon MQ5, my prefered skin.

I shall become the happiest man on earth because finally I could get by kodi all that now I try.

I really hope that you will answer my message.

Apologize for the inconvenience and good work.

Thank you!

Thanks for the comment. Unfortunatley I can't imagine getting the time to do another skin. I use Aeon Nox and it suits my setup at the minute and I'm struggling to find time to make changes to Nox as it is! Smile

(2015-09-13, 02:56)DAlba Wrote: I am a newbie. I am trying to change the background of the main home screen to something more home theaterish. I found the folder where backgrounds are stored and renamed the red curtain image to be the default file but when i load Kodi it now doesn't have any image at all. Any idea on what I am doing wrong? I did notice the original default image is a .png while all the other images were .jpg. Does that make a difference?

I think you can set backgrounds in the settings? If not renaming the default.png to default_old.png (or whatever) and rename your background to default.png would probably work. You convert the jpg to png.
With regards to CinemaVision, I'll check it out and see what I can do. Might be too much work but worth a shot.
Good to see you back funks! I love your skin. All my submenus disappeared. Apparently something changed with script.skin shortcuts so modded skins need to be updated to work correctly. Are you aware of this issue and do you plan on fixing?
I havent seen this issue locally. What did you guys do to get this issue? I just want to reproduce it first so I know its fixed.
(2015-09-28, 21:57)DAlba Wrote: Good to see you back funks! I love your skin. All my submenus disappeared. Apparently something changed with script.skin shortcuts so modded skins need to be updated to work correctly. Are you aware of this issue and do you plan on fixing?

Not sure if this is the issue you are seeing but I've noticed that every time the version number changes my custom menus are "lost". I think this is a Kodi thing as they are still saved but for a different version of the skin. My solution to this problem has been simple - edit the version number (or is it ID - it's been so long since I've updated) in addon.xml to be the same version as the one where I made my custom menus.

Easier still, just don't update addon.xml when you update the skin.
I didn't do anything. Never changed default submenus and one day they were gone. Switch to confluence skin they appear. Switch back to Nox 2.35 and they gone. Tried uninstalling Kodi completely and then reinstalled Nox. Menus are there for a split second then disappear. I found others online complain about same issue with other skins. I found this here:

The skin you're using needs to implement the changes in the skinshortcuts script.
We have checked/informed all official skins about the changes but we cannot track every single mod there is, we expect the skin devs to keep an eye on script changes they support in their skins.

Current version 0.5.4 on Helix repo is just the previous version (with the legacy support).
Version 0.6.x is the new version on isengard/Jarvis repo which has the new features and no more support for the legacy submenus.
Ok I've managed to reproduce it. I forgot I had Kodi v14 installed again to test something. I've installed Isengard (15) now again and I can reproduce the issue. It might take me a while to get all the changes done. Will let you know when I have it done!
Hi all,
The changes are on the github page now. It was straightforward after all Smile If you dont feel like downloading everything what you could do is download the shortcuts folder and replace your current shortcuts folder in your current scopenox dir with the one on the github page.

Let me know if it works for you guys.

Thanks! Recently purchased a projector and will be getting a 2.35:1 screen! This skin mod is awesome!
One question, I have a screen saver addon that displays images. When the screen saver comes on it shows up 16:9..any way to show in 2.35:1..Other than resizing the images? Thx
No problem redderflag. Which screensaver mod?
Thx for the quick reply! Picture Slideshow Screensaver..
Ok checked it out there. The answer was that screensaver was shown full screen (i.e 16:9), but I've sorted it now and when the screensaver kicks in now the scope bars will be there so the images are confined the 2.35/2.40 view Smile

(Images arent resized, just have the bars overlaid)
(2015-09-29, 21:20)Funkd Wrote: Hi all,
The changes are on the github page now. It was straightforward after all Smile If you dont feel like downloading everything what you could do is download the shortcuts folder and replace your current shortcuts folder in your current scopenox dir with the one on the github page.

Let me know if it works for you guys.


Not working for me. Tried uninstalling old skin then reinstall new skin. No change. Completely uninstalled Kodi and data. Reinstalled Kodi and skin. All menus now show but no submenus. I'm running 15.2 RC2. Any suggestions?
(2015-09-30, 04:40)DAlba Wrote: Not working for me. Tried uninstalling old skin then reinstall new skin. No change. Completely uninstalled Kodi and data. Reinstalled Kodi and skin. All menus now show but no submenus. I'm running 15.2 RC2. Any suggestions?

What way did you install the skin? Is there a chance that the old version was still hanging about somewhere? Someone also reported the issue on GitHub and has said its working now. I'm using 15.1 I think, I'll check when I get home from work this evening to see if there is any issue with 15.2.

Note : I didnt create a new release file so if you downloaded the release from the readme section then thats why its not working. You'll need to download the master zip for the latest.
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ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)3