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Release NBC Sports Live Extra
for the pats colts game, i get no sound. on the nbc website there is sound?
hey guys i just installed my nbc last night but having problem with log can anyone help me? thank You
(2015-10-19, 06:19)daveliszka85 Wrote: hey guys i just installed my nbc last night but having problem with log can anyone help me? thank You
Need. More info. What is the exact issue?
first_time_user (wiki) | free content (wiki) | forum rules (wiki) | PVR (wiki) | Debug Log (wiki)

The official Kodi version does not contain any content what so ever. This means that you should provide your own content from a local or remote storage location, DVD, Blu-Ray or any other media carrier that you own. Additionally Kodi allows you to install third-party plugins that may provide access to content that is freely available on the official content provider website. The watching or listening of illegal or pirated content which would otherwise need to be paid for is not endorsed or approved by Team Kodi.
Kodi 14.2/Windows 7/Cox Communications

I too have never been able to successfully use this add-on for anything other than content not requiring a login.
I am able to watch other content in the add-on not requiring the login .
I am a Cox subscriber and authentication thru Firefox or IE directly to NBC Sports Live Extra works fine.
The error is always the same 'Login Failed' pop-up ' Please verify that username and password are valid'
I have tried to uninstall, re-install, I have tried [email protected] and username alone. Nothing has worked.
NBD, I can use the browser but it would be nice to use this add-on to its full potential. Section of log below:

11:03:37 T:2884 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
11:03:37 T:2884 NOTICE: PROVIDER!!!
11:03:37 T:2884 NOTICE: Cox
11:03:37 T:2884 NOTICE: Mode: None
11:03:37 T:2884 NOTICE: URL: None
11:03:37 T:2884 NOTICE: Name: None
11:03:37 T:2884 NOTICE: scrape_type:None
11:03:37 T:6656 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
11:03:40 T:4860 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
11:03:40 T:4860 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
11:03:40 T:4860 NOTICE: PROVIDER!!!
11:03:40 T:4860 NOTICE: Cox
11:03:41 T:4860 NOTICE: Mode: 2
11:03:41 T:4860 NOTICE: URL: http://stream.nbcsports.com/data/mobile/...tured.json
11:03:41 T:4860 NOTICE: Name: Featured
11:03:41 T:4860 NOTICE: scrape_type:None
11:03:41 T:6896 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
11:03:42 T:360 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
11:03:42 T:360 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
11:03:42 T:360 NOTICE: PROVIDER!!!
11:03:42 T:360 NOTICE: Cox
11:03:42 T:360 NOTICE: Mode: 4
11:03:42 T:360 NOTICE: URL: http://stream.nbcsports.com/data/mobile/...tured.json
11:03:42 T:360 NOTICE: Name: Full Replays
11:03:42 T:360 NOTICE: scrape_type:replay
11:03:42 T:3696 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: PROVIDER!!!
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: Cox
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: Mode: 5
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: URL: http://nbcstreamwest.nbcsports.com/vod/b...me=vodcut)
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: Name: [COLOR=FF00B7EB]Sprint Cup: Kansas (Race) - Keselowski and Busch In-Cars[/COLOR]
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: scrape_type:None
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: MSO ID === Cox
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: Did cookies expire? True
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: Does the auth token file exist? False
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: Does the last provider match the current provider? True
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: Who was the last provider? Cox
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: ADOBE PASS
11:03:46 T:4436 NOTICE: XOS92Qt+TkDKHbfEhbudHx4ye/dAS2ERLfSF0wdp2q6xroADHg29eZL5MYWnT80t+QDH2RAs7aI0+ZzttbqHs0UCDNfWGKkiNca6NUmtWidCYtIOGDScx3qEqFsZcZaiVnPmc3kPyLaE8hYdgvo8NmN/ekQXtsXFxx0+97UMvAZW4x4ivpgsP2rbQ9/W/ERKZA7heWGBndR9digvfQk0Ua1rOJrO725n12rSbEDw2UaQfZoCmYXjItlGZkGVfhWoS4zFgakDMVMM9BAF4VLGvUia737Tm+ejdrRvt8dr0OJjBMSB5cnokL70f3aOk4gMYnwgVieu9u9lbM0frKnNeg==
11:03:49 T:4436 NOTICE: RESP.GETURL() ===
11:03:49 T:4436 NOTICE: https://idm.east.cox.net:443/affwebservi...T2VqM1u7aA==
11:03:49 T:4436 NOTICE: SAML REQUEST
(2015-10-19, 13:00)bry- Wrote:
(2015-10-19, 06:19)daveliszka85 Wrote: hey guys i just installed my nbc last night but having problem with log can anyone help me? thank You
Need. More info. What is the exact issue?
just trying to watch my Bulls.I do have Cox login and pass but for internet only :/ is it possible to make it work?
Thanks to all for the help,I'm new to all this and struggling, once again many thanks
Hi I'm using xfinity login with DNS but saying login failed when I try any blue links or replays. I have set the time zone to Eastern US time and still no joy. Is anyone else having problems with xfinity logins or have any ideas where I'm going wrong? I'm using eracknsphobia's repo so I'm on the latest addon.
Forgot to add it's on the fire TV and kodi 15.2
(2015-10-21, 18:54)YNWA82 Wrote: Hi I'm using xfinity login with DNS but saying login failed when I try any blue links or replays. I have set the time zone to Eastern US time and still no joy. Is anyone else having problems with xfinity logins or have any ideas where I'm going wrong? I'm using eracknsphobia's repo so I'm on the latest addon.

Its because xfinity requires a captcha and the fire tv doesnt display the captcha, the creator of plugin hasn't addressed this yet, hopefully he will.
Wish I'd known that before getting the login. I've asked to swap it for a direct TV one but he won't do it. Thanks for the help at least I know what's up now.
Please please can someone sort out the issue with Comcast/xfinity log on needing captcha?!?
Repost since no answer/suggestion/acknowledgement:

Kodi 14.2/Windows 7/Cox Communications

I too have never been able to successfully use this add-on for anything other than content not requiring a login.
I am able to watch other content in the add-on not requiring the login .
I am a Cox subscriber and authentication thru Firefox or IE directly to NBC Sports Live Extra works fine.
The error is always the same 'Login Failed' pop-up ' Please verify that username and password are valid'
I have tried to uninstall, re-install, I have tried [email protected] and username alone. Nothing has worked.
Thank you for your hard work.
(2015-10-22, 23:12)ot7849 Wrote: Repost since no answer/suggestion/acknowledgement:

Kodi 14.2/Windows 7/Cox Communications

I too have never been able to successfully use this add-on for anything other than content not requiring a login.
I am able to watch other content in the add-on not requiring the login .
I am a Cox subscriber and authentication thru Firefox or IE directly to NBC Sports Live Extra works fine.
The error is always the same 'Login Failed' pop-up ' Please verify that username and password are valid'
I have tried to uninstall, re-install, I have tried [email protected] and username alone. Nothing has worked.
Thank you for your hard work.

Stupid question but do you have the correct provider selected in the settings? I had it change on mine once and was getting the same error. Check the provide and noticed it had changed to something different that what I had previously selected.
Any luck Ted
(2015-10-22, 17:30)YNWA82 Wrote: Wish I'd known that before getting the login. I've asked to swap it for a direct TV one but he won't do it. Thanks for the help at least I know what's up now.
sent you one
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