Ttrying something different I ran into freezes straight away.
First of all somethings wrong with airplay. I have to enable it so I can actually chose to airplay to my kodi. Then I have to disable it and again chose Kodi on my phone to actually get an airplay stream going... Weird one.
Anyways, now I'm going in and out of menus while playing music via airplay and got a freeze within seconds. Funny thing was, the music was still playing! I could even hit play and pause on my phone and it did the action in Kodi while in freeze. So I tried again to make a log file and due to the fact that I have no idea what all that gibberish means I'm posting it here. But I thinks the last couple of lines might be an indication, it say the following:
19:42:06 T:140735242649600 DEBUG: OnKey: backspace (0xf008) pressed, action is Back
19:42:06 T:140735242649600 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12006
19:42:06 T:140735242649600 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
19:42:35 T:123145319092224 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 123145319092224 terminating (autodelete)
19:42:35 T:123145302839296 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 123145302839296 terminating (autodelete)
19:42:35 T:123145317482496 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 123145317482496 terminating (autodelete)
19:42:35 T:123145315336192 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 123145315336192 terminating (autodelete)
Full Log
Maybe this helps?