2016-01-06, 14:21
Sir Bob... its true what they say about "old wine" ... its getting better and better when the wine ages...
you sir are a realy good wine ! ( even when Mr.V did a great preperation... he is maybe the wine barrel or the berrys or idk )
i just can say WOW when i see how fast you guys make our wishes happen ... and if you ask me ... the new widgets are now MUCH MUCH better then before... the only problem is, when you get used to a "style" you dont wanna loose it... but i think we need to acceps some small changes, to get a realy great result >>> MIXED WIDGETS !
( and with the things in pipeline from Mr.V... new case options and system infos... WOW ... i see a "merge" in a future not soo far like i though in the beginning )
you guys rock ( and dont forget the main MADNOX Team... its not like we sit around and watch holes in the clouds ... )
our old mixed widgets where great... but you can choose them and thats it ... with the new ones you can choose the content of all three parts - AWESOME !!!! and not only movie=movie, series=series... you can mix them too... NICEEEEEE
so here are the things i noticed so far with the mixed widgets:
7. confirm the things bsoriano wrote already ( a big thx to him for all his testing and realy good feedback ! )
8. when i choose "title" as label, i dont get anything on widget 2 and just the title of the main ( center ) field of widget 1
9. navigation... first use i was a bit confused, but i think you find the perfect solution for it ( especially when you are using mixed on widget 1 and 2 ^^ ) - well done !!!
10. situation: widget 1 & 2 are mixed - when i navigate to the center part of one widget, the other widget dissapear ( when i choose center widget 1 - the whole widget 2 dissapear and vise versa ... maybe old code from single widget to show the info panel when you highlight a widget ?
11. when i navigate on left or right widget and press the info key i get always the info of the main center widget
when i have poster as art, it get the left poster info when i choose left panel and right poster info for right panel ( that was realy funny the first time hehe )
well, these where my first things i found so far... will test a bit more later i hope
but realy good job guys THX
you sir are a realy good wine ! ( even when Mr.V did a great preperation... he is maybe the wine barrel or the berrys or idk )
i just can say WOW when i see how fast you guys make our wishes happen ... and if you ask me ... the new widgets are now MUCH MUCH better then before... the only problem is, when you get used to a "style" you dont wanna loose it... but i think we need to acceps some small changes, to get a realy great result >>> MIXED WIDGETS !
( and with the things in pipeline from Mr.V... new case options and system infos... WOW ... i see a "merge" in a future not soo far like i though in the beginning )
you guys rock ( and dont forget the main MADNOX Team... its not like we sit around and watch holes in the clouds ... )
our old mixed widgets where great... but you can choose them and thats it ... with the new ones you can choose the content of all three parts - AWESOME !!!! and not only movie=movie, series=series... you can mix them too... NICEEEEEE
so here are the things i noticed so far with the mixed widgets:
7. confirm the things bsoriano wrote already ( a big thx to him for all his testing and realy good feedback ! )
8. when i choose "title" as label, i dont get anything on widget 2 and just the title of the main ( center ) field of widget 1
9. navigation... first use i was a bit confused, but i think you find the perfect solution for it ( especially when you are using mixed on widget 1 and 2 ^^ ) - well done !!!
10. situation: widget 1 & 2 are mixed - when i navigate to the center part of one widget, the other widget dissapear ( when i choose center widget 1 - the whole widget 2 dissapear and vise versa ... maybe old code from single widget to show the info panel when you highlight a widget ?
11. when i navigate on left or right widget and press the info key i get always the info of the main center widget
when i have poster as art, it get the left poster info when i choose left panel and right poster info for right panel ( that was realy funny the first time hehe )
well, these where my first things i found so far... will test a bit more later i hope
but realy good job guys THX