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Media Companion 3 beta's - Now with Music Video support
Hi, when scraping home videos Media Companion always creates by default a FANART pic. It seems its made 10sec into the video which is mostly not enough. How can I set the 10sec to 100sec for example? It seems the Screenshot Delay in Common Settings does not affect these. Also cool would be a button to toggle if any fanarts are created or only nfos
(2016-01-29, 14:05)Cudi Wrote: Hi, when scraping home videos Media Companion always creates by default a FANART pic. It seems its made 10sec into the video which is mostly not enough. How can I set the 10sec to 100sec for example? It seems the Screenshot Delay in Common Settings does not affect these. Also cool would be a button to toggle if any fanarts are created or only nfos

Seems the Auto-ScreenShot time isn't behaving itself and updating the appropriate ly used locations. Will be fixed for the next release.

Plus, good idea on the option to create the fanart and or poster.
I'll add a new Preference tab for Home Movies and set up these two options...maybe a separate auto-screenshot time just for Home Movies?
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2016-01-29, 08:47)McButton Wrote: Yeah, buddy! Keep this thing going. Hit me up if you need someone to try to break it again. Too bad I'm not much for code assistance. You nailed all the crazy biz I needed.
We need to get all of you media manager guys together in an office and make 1 ultimate entity.

Same goes....find any thing weird, somethings glitching, let me know,

As for getting all MMgr's together, diversity is the fruit-bowel of the users. Some like EMM, some TinyMM, others MC, and so it goes. MC has a small base of users. I see about a thousand downloads a week, that's enough to keep me working on Media Companion, to make it better.
(and now that we've converted McButton, 1001 downloads.....bwah ha ha ha...)
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
1000 seems awesome. I'm surprised that most people don't just use the embedded scraper in Kodi. I thought I was in the minority for wanting to ensure it all looks ok (customer art, the correct info, etc). I guess I could chance it......but it's definitely more difficult to have to keep deleting and reloading my library. Thanks again for all the hard work.
(2016-01-29, 20:09)vbat99 Wrote:
(2016-01-29, 14:05)Cudi Wrote: Hi, when scraping home videos Media Companion always creates by default a FANART pic. It seems its made 10sec into the video which is mostly not enough. How can I set the 10sec to 100sec for example? It seems the Screenshot Delay in Common Settings does not affect these. Also cool would be a button to toggle if any fanarts are created or only nfos

Seems the Auto-ScreenShot time isn't behaving itself and updating the appropriate ly used locations. Will be fixed for the next release.

Plus, good idea on the option to create the fanart and or poster.
I'll add a new Preference tab for Home Movies and set up these two options...maybe a separate auto-screenshot time just for Home Movies?

Would be great! Really looking forward to it!
Hey, Rob. As always, another great release. Couple things. I've been changing how my movies are stored and when trying to re-scrape TMDB Movie Set name, I randomly get this error:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Media_Companion.Movie.RescrapeSpecific(RescrapeList rl)
at Media_Companion.Movies.BatchRescrapeSpecific(List`1 NfoFilenames, RescrapeList rl)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at Media_Companion.Form1.CallSubByName(String SubName)
at Media_Companion.Form1.BckWrkScnMovies_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

Anything to suggest what's the cause?

I've also been messing with animated gifs. Is there a way I can add gif as a supported file ext. When folders that contain a gif are renamed, the gif is not moved to the new folder.

Lastly, when selecting root folder in the drop down list, is it by design that only one folder is displayed? Selecting two or more folders renders a blank list. Thanks again for your work! Smile
Are you using Jarvis for the animated .gifs? I don't think it works in other builds.

My eyes glazed over at all of the above except the root folder. Do you mean in TV SHOWS? If I add 2 separate root folders, all of the internal folders for both pull in the selection list. *Just tried with the new release.* If I'm missing it, let me know. I'll test a bit. I have a pretty vast library pulling the data.
Yes, I'm on Jarvis. Root folders in movie section.
(2016-01-30, 00:17)bobrap Wrote: Hey, Rob. As always, another great release. Couple things. I've been changing how my movies are stored and when trying to re-scrape TMDB Movie Set name, I randomly get this error:
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Media_Companion.Movie.RescrapeSpecific(RescrapeList rl)
   at Media_Companion.Movies.BatchRescrapeSpecific(List`1 NfoFilenames, RescrapeList rl)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at Media_Companion.Form1.CallSubByName(String SubName)
   at Media_Companion.Form1.BckWrkScnMovies_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
Anything to suggest what's the cause?

I've also been messing with animated gifs. Is there a way I can add gif as a supported file ext. When folders that contain a gif are renamed, the gif is not moved to the new folder.

Lastly, when selecting root folder in the drop down list, is it by design that only one folder is displayed? Selecting two or more folders renders a blank list. Thanks again for your work! Smile

I'll look into the Rescrape of MovieSet names. Probably some issue after the latest changes in this section.

As for Animated gifs, MC isn't programmed to support Gif extensions.
Does Kodi now support this? Can you point me to information on animated Gif's support for Kodi?

Root folder filter. OK, I see the problem. Will figure out a fix for the next release.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Can't really point you to info, just know it's supported in Jarvis. I know the gifts won't be animated in MC, just static. If it's too difficult to add the gif ext, not to worry. Smile Thanks.
(2016-01-30, 03:42)bobrap Wrote: Can't really point you to info, just know it's supported in Jarvis. I know the gifts won't be animated in MC, just static. If it's too difficult to add the gif ext, not to worry. Smile Thanks.

Reading some more, it is supported, but damn if I know what naming convention is being used.
is it <moviename>-poster.gif?
Also, is it only gif or jpg? One of the other, not both?

It will be possible to do in Media Companion, but would need to know the default artwork type.
ie: if we have avatar-poster.jpg and avatar-poster.gif, MC has to pick one over the other.

It's the XMCB Eden vs XBMC Frodo artwork fiasco again....lol.

Edit: (root folder filter fix in place for next release.)
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
I believe the naming convention is about the same, except gif ext. If you want to use a gif as poster or fanart, you have to manually select it. So, I would assume jpg is the default. This is how it's been working for me. Something different to play with. Smile
Will have a play, see what can be done, and how it works.

Just wish they'd update the Wiki to explain these new features.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
I think for Jarvis, you need to have the .gifs on the device you have Kodi installed. It doesn't work for network. If it is on a Chromebox, you have to have it on the Chromebox. Android = android.

Works for poster, fanarts, logos, and clearart. I've seen this working in some skins prior to Jarvis, but it's listed as a feature availability now. It also depends on a few skin addons in some aspects or depends on if the skin can handle it entirely. Works for music and video folders.

I decided not to bother as I feeeeel like I'll see some freezes. On my Chromebox, I've only seen it happen a few times, and it's when I have a video playing behind while I navigate a few other things in the front. I can't imagine a bunch of .gifs going on a 20 poster wall.

I can't even keep up with the builds. Peeps are already on the forum asking for releases of Kodi 17. Why bother? I don't even know what's different anymore.

Still...bring on the cool customization, Kodi.

Hello, is there anyway for MC to close another program before scanning for art work?
The reason I ask is that if I start MC and scan for new media before closing uTorrent then even the movies that have completed seeing will leave a duplicate folder in the root folder which I then have to go and clean up. Ideally I would like MC to be able to close utorrent before commencing it's scan/scrape.

I kind of handled it in a script better that I made in to a shortcut. Basically starting the shortcut would first close utorrent, then start the cmd for MC and ruin in the background.

Another question is about subtitle files .srt

Where and how should they be filled in the movie folder....in a separate folder or inside the movie folder along with artwork and .info?

Thanx for your help.
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Media Companion 3 beta's - Now with Music Video support10