Hello and thanks @
mikeSiLVO @
ronie @
phil65 @
butchabay @
Mr. V @
Hitcher for this thread and your posts
I'm on Kodi 17.6 with Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod by @
latts9923 . I have the same bug
$INFO[ListItem.Art(fanart)] stops returning a value since then I alternatively implemented to use all multiimages instead of ListItem.Path use with fadelabel
control with @
rmrector 's ArtworkBeef
I use some fadelabel control multiimage, and per fadelabel control several Listitems are called up at the same time.
Movies: 10 x fanart, 10 x poster, 10 x keyart, 10 x characterart
TvShows: 10 x fanart, 20 characterart
In the following example, up to 30 additional ListItem are queried via fadelabel control:
At first I thought the bug was caused by new Skin.Strings that I put (maybe wrong), and then they collide. But it all works most of the time and the bug occurs only sporadically.
Question: Can the overuse of multiimage via fadelabel control cause this bug?
I have now set the "Container" as prefix of the List.Item on each fadelabel control multiimage and will see if that fixes the bug.
If yes, I would ask @
rmrector to put in the ArtworkBeef wiki a note and update it, to use fadelabel control multiimage only with $INFO[Container.ListItem.Art(arttype)] instead of $INFO[ListItem.Art(arttype)]
I will continue to watch this.
EDIT 1: Nope, it happened once again also with the changes... but not as frequently as before.