BUG Report
Not sure if these have been address'd or not.
When im in KodiFlix view for MOVIES. The fanart scrolls thru ALL the available fanarts for ALL the movies. Not just the highlighted movie.
When im in KodiFlix view for TVShows. The fanart scrolls ONLY for available fanarts for the SELECTED movie. (i assume this is the correct way. my perfered way tbh)
please see photos below:
4 photos, each showing different fanart background for the same movie (MI: rogue nation) But the 4 fanarts are for the other 3 movies. This does not happen for TVshows same KodiFlix view.
When im in Episode View for TVShows, in a TVShow
WITHOUT any seasons the poster shows on the left. (Correctly)
When i enter a TVShow that has
multiply seasons the poster on the left disappears. (Incorrect i assume)
When i go back to enter a tvshow without any seasons. it too now has no poster on the left (incorrect i assume)
When i exit back to the main menu, this bug vanishes. and the single season tvshow shows poster again. Untill i enter the multi season show.
I understand this is refering to advanced launcher. BUT this is a skin feature/edit request.
In the view GameFLix, Where in the files/folders would the ICON be? (Please see the Blue text, top left "Super Jeopardy!")
In the view GameFlix, Could the option for "short fanart" be added like how there is the option for short fanart in the normal "KodiFlex" views?
Please see image below. as you can see. the fanart makes the info on the middle left hard to read/see. I think having the short fanart would blackening that area allowing for easier reading.
Thank you