(2016-03-06, 22:58)therearefourlights Wrote: This plugin sucks.
If you think it's ok to ask users to create API keys and edit scripts then you are a shit developer.
Oh boohoo then don't use my plugin... ok I won't since it doesn't fucking work anyway.
What about people on Android devices who can't just go about editing files ?
Why is it so damn hard to get it to work, before the new guy took over the plugin worked just fine, now it's a steaming pile of shit.
Happily NOT using kodi for youtube any more.
Rant over. Sue me for my opinions.
It actually was having issues before bromix left the plugin. It was getting more and more popular, so the API key was starting to get rate limited. At first, it was only a couple minutes near the top of the hour. As Kodi became more and more popular ( In part thanks to all those Android TV boxes ), the situation worsened over the next few months.
Then, post-christmas 2015 happened.
Android TV set box sales exploded during the holiday season. Ones with Kodi installed, specifically, as cord-cutters bought them as gifts for their families. And of course, what do most kids and people want to do? Look up cat videos on youtube.
The poor API keys could not handle it, with thousands and thousands and thousands of hits per hour happening all of a sudden, and the original dev no longer working on the addon due to personal reasons.
The problem is, this addon is too popular for the default API key structure. The people trying to revive this project are testing out different ways to try and work around the issue. It is starting to look like we need to generate a TON of keys, and introduce them to the code, so as to keep up with demand. I myself modify my version of the youtube addon and implemented my own personal key, because of this issue.
Also, i figured out why youtube streaming has stopped. It appears that youtube is using a different format tag for the livestreams. I was getting errors with the message "unknown yt_format for itag 91" in logs, so I looked to see if i could fix it myself.
I found in /resources/lib/youtube/helper/video_info.py the list of video formats youtube will use, and copied the block starting on line 137
'92': {'container': 'ts',
'Live': True,
'title': 'Live@240p',
'sort': [240, 0],
'video': {'height': 240, 'encoding': 'h.264'},
'audio': {'bitrate': 48, 'encoding': 'aac'}},
and pasted it right after, changing the starting ID number to what the log files were complaining about, so
'91': {'container': 'ts',
'Live': True,
'title': 'Live@240p',
'sort': [240, 0],
'video': {'height': 240, 'encoding': 'h.264'},
'audio': {'bitrate': 48, 'encoding': 'aac'}},
Saved, zipped, slapped onto kodi, and youtube streaming is functional again.
If this can get passed on to whoever is working on picking up the plugin, I'm sure this will make a lot of people happy. Not the cleanest fix i'm sure, but it's been working well for me for the past 6 streams i've tested, and the past half hour or so of stream watching.