v16 "Add timer" feature missing/removed?
Hi forum,

Up until v. 15.2 I have had the option to add a timer from the TV Guide. It seems It has been replaced by a "record" option which is working fine. But it only records the given program/show. I am missing the option to add a recurring/repeating timer.
I am using nextPvr and the option to add recurring timers is still working just great within the nextpvr interface.
Has anyone got an idea how to get the "add timer" feature back in Kodi v. 16?

Thank You very much.
debug log (wiki) if u please
You should have this


The "Add advanced timer" is for reoccurring timers.
(2016-03-06, 18:29)jjd-uk Wrote: You should have this


The "Add advanced timer" is for reoccurring timers.

You are looking for "Add timer" which allows you to schedule all kind of recordings your pvr backend supports. "Add advanced timer" was only available in some Jarvis pre releases. It got renamed to "Add timer" for final Jarvis release.
sweet dont think i get that with next tho.
Nextpvr pvr add-on supports series recordings, thus you should get "Add timer" context menu entry in epg window, given that we are talking about Jarvis our Krypton.
Oh i thought it couldnt record as it was freezing on pause until it started working last night.
(2016-03-07, 11:28)Derek Wrote: Oh i thought it couldnt record as it was freezing on pause until it started working last night.

Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about. How is that related to the context menu entry?
I thought because no1 could pause using nextPVR the recording function wouldnt work does that make sense?
(2016-03-07, 11:40)Derek Wrote: I thought because no1 could pause using nextPVR the recording function wouldnt work does that make sense?

No, imo this does not make sense. :-)
hehe your winding me up and at this time in the morning shame on you Smile

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"Add timer" feature missing/removed?0