2016-03-08, 03:29
Since I wrote the new API key entry in add-on settings I can tell you that you should not include " .apps.googleusercontent.com " if you enter the keys via GUI or if you manually edit the kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.youtube/settings.xml file. If you are including " .apps.googleusercontent.com ", then you will have something that looks like 871556748454-d6dlm3lg05idd8npdk18k6be4ba3oc68.apps.googleusercontent.com.apps.googleusercontent.com which is not right.
from login_client.py
'youtube-for-kodi-15': {
'system': 'Isengard',
'key': '%s' % api_key,
'id': '%s.apps.googleusercontent.com' % api_id, <<< Here you see I did not remove " .apps.googleusercontent.com " from the key string
'secret': '%s' % api_secret