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(2016-03-15, 14:36)learningit Wrote: So looking beyond the few small changes to the current version, are folks signing up for the dev and support for the rather large and technical changes that will come in Kodi V17 with this new repo? This comment:

(2016-03-15, 13:44)DjSlash Wrote: @Martijn: I wonder if it would be possible to transfer the plugin-repo to Team Kodi and set up a team for it. This way the plugin gets somewhat protection and not easily lost.

tends to make me think that there's not a full understanding of what's going on here.

My main concern making this remark was giving the plugin a solid base. Just to make sure we won't have to deal with deleted repositories again.

(2016-03-15, 14:36)learningit Wrote: I think anyone who contributes to plugin-repo would understand my concern. The YT 3.0 API is a flawed API and IMHO will continue to have problems, at least with the approaches to fixes that I've seen to date. Kodi V17 is going to open a world of potential opportunity for the YT add-on as well as several other services like Amazon Prime, Netflix and Hulu. Folks need to understand that they need to be committed to that long term, as well as these short term issues.

I think that the group idea is great, but people who get involved need understand that the current issues are minor compared to the real work that needs to be done in the not too distant future.

You are making a excellent point. People need to understand this. But I think that there has to be a starting point too.
Ok, This is what I am reading and please correct me if I am wrong or mistaken.

(2016-03-15, 14:36)learningit Wrote: So looking beyond the few small changes to the current version, are folks signing up for the dev and support for the rather large and technical changes that will come in Kodi V17 with this new repo?

I think this group is taking on the challenge of support and maintaining the plugin, of course i really can only speak for myself, so I am ready to give it a shot, or at least try and help out where I can.

(2016-03-15, 14:36)learningit Wrote: This comment tends to make me think that there's not a full understanding of what's going on here. I think anyone who contributes to plugin-repo would understand my concern. The YT 3.0 API is a flawed API and IMHO will continue to have problems, at least with the approaches to fixes that I've seen to date. Kodi V17 is going to open a world of potential opportunity for the YT add-on as well as several other services like Amazon Prime, Netflix and Hulu. Folks need to understand that they need to be committed to that long term, as well as these short term issues.

I think that the group idea is great, but people who get involved need understand that the current issues are minor compared to the real work that needs to be done in the not too distant future.

Honestly i'd rather give it a go then just not try and let kodi's youtube just sit in the wind and nothing happen.I'll need to take time and learn the new stuff from kodi 17 to make youtube more workable with the current plugin, please point me to the right direction. When i'm not doing my RL job i'll do what I can, i just want to help.

The idea of the group is perfect. I don't know the # of users this plugin has but i'd gather it's a lot.

I'd definitely would be willing to work on the plugin and help out. I hope this works with everyone, i know it's better to have someone who can do it already but i think with the people we have already we can hopefully pick up the baton so to speak.


-- Fixed my wording and corrected mistakes!
To be clear, I'm just giving a bit of a heads up on this on the true scope of this, not acting as a barrier. I really like the idea, but I think it's important to point out that the YT add-on of tomorrow will need to be very different than the one that's being patched. I have no interest beyond that.

My comment on the plugin-repo is because the OP seemed to have an incorrect view of what it is. It is a fork of the xbmc github repo and as such is always curated by someone on the Kodi team when a submission takes place. The xbmc github version, to the best of my knowledge has never been deleted.
(2016-03-15, 23:19)learningit Wrote: My comment on the plugin-repo is because the OP seemed to have an incorrect view of what it is. It is a fork of the xbmc github repo and as such is always curated by someone on the Kodi team when a submission takes place. The xbmc github version, to the best of my knowledge has never been deleted.

If with OP, you mean me, I think you misunderstood me and that you are confusing things. What I asked to Martijn, was if it would be possible to create a repository for this plugin under the Team Kodi organisation. This would be a different repository than where Team Kodi collects the plugins for their official distribution-channel of plugins. When I was talking about repositories being deleted, I was referring to bromix deleting his repository for this plugin.

What I was thinking is that we don't have to create an organisation by ourself, because there is already an organisation that can handle things (i.e. Team Kodi). In an organisation you can create teams that is responsible for a single repository, so permissions can be handled correctly, while the repository itself has a safe harbor.
@learningit you are clearly a skilled coder, is there any chance of you taking part in this team? I don't say that to tread on other coders toes, I just think your obvious skills and knowledge of what is coming up in 17 would be a real asset to these guys, and the community benefits from you passing on knowledge to a few more devs.

Maybe you have enough on your plate already though.
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :) (People with less than 20 posts won't see the "thumbs up" button.)
@DJStash I guess I still am misunderstanding something. Why should anyone be concerned about the Bromix repo being deleted? Anymore than if I were to delete all my add-on repos tomorrow. The method which both of us use (though not all devs use this method) has us having a fork of the xbmc plugin-repo which we make pull requests from. The master is with team Kodi . even if you were to submit a PR to me, I would downstream need to make a PR into the master which is curated by team Kodi. An organization is really an intermediate step to collect changes from different devs, but still requires some authority to approve the PR and subsequently submit them to the master repo. Other devs could just as easily fork the master, make changes and submit them to team Kodi. So unless you need some close coordination between devs outside of the master on the xbmc git, not much is accomplished by creating an org repo.
In particular, I believe that the V17 version will need a fairly major overhaul (read total rewrite) particularly for DASH and 1080/4K support that everyone whines for, as well as some API fixes. Why? Bromix is an expert coder and engineered the addon such that if requires an expert coder to maintain it properly. Yes the odd fix can be made, but it is difficult to do a heavy lift for V17 by a less than expert coder.This can be done in the near future.
@nickr if you look at my designation it's "skilled" not "expert", and to be fair, my skills are kinda like Napoleon Dynamite's definition of skills.
Another suggestion, for what it's worth, is to create a new thread elsewhere, maybe under addon development to discuss these issues and ongoing development because the typical end-user looking for support is probably not interested in the process, only the outcome.
(2016-03-16, 05:27)learningit Wrote: the V17 version will need a fairly major overhaul (read total rewrite) particularly for DASH and 1080/4K support
Oh wow, that's coming in Krypton? Been waiting for DASH for so long, and it happens when YouTube isn't maintained. What a bummer!
Slow down!
I was giving examples of what needs work in the YT addon to get the functionality to a level equivalent to the current web app. We need to work towards that or eventually even the API won't do much.
I am explaining the development evolution path that's needed, not what will be in V17. Another reason for a separate dev thread to discuss tech issues..
(2016-02-29, 12:46)Kolifanes Wrote: @shearder

For download


Update, close Kodi and remove the folder in userdata. Now open and try again

Ok solved. But now i would like to make the same on Rasperry with Openelec.

Two questions:

1 - is plugin the same?
2 - how can I browse on Rasperry file sysstem to delete plugin.video.youtube?
(2016-03-16, 15:01)Mr Dan Wrote: 1 - is plugin the same?

yes. But please notice you are using an older version, last release is

(2016-03-16, 15:01)Mr Dan Wrote: 2 - how can I browse on Rasperry file sysstem to delete plugin.video.youtube?

from a windows machine on the same lan:

RaspBMC \\<yourraspberryip>\pi (user pi password raspberry).
OSMC \\<yourraspberryip>\osmc (user osmc password osmc).
Never tried OpenELEC, but following instructions provided on their website shoud be \\<yourraspberryip>\storage\.xbmc\userdata (http://wiki.openelec.tv/index.php/Access...mba_Shares).

In any case you can always ssh to your raspberry (http://wiki.openelec.tv/index.php/OpenEL...use_SSH.3F) to access filesystem and delete data in .kodi/userdata folder using a linux shell, whatever you are using.
(2016-03-16, 15:29)mandricus Wrote: 1 - is plugin the same?

yes. But please notice you are using an older version, last release is

Where can I easly download latest version? (

Thanks again...
Just wanted to post to add a thankyou to everyone who's contributing to the youtube addon -- I'm using kodi on RPi and ran into the problem with streaming, but the info in this thread was enough for me to patch my copy to work. (I haven't yet bothered to fully update the plugin because it's a hassle... hoping it eventually ends up in an official repo for automatic updates.)

I wish I could offer to help with plugin dev, but realistically I'm not going to have the time to do it over a long period. But if I run into problems and discover any fixes for my own problems, I'll be sure to report them back.

(2016-03-16, 15:42)Mr Dan Wrote: Where can I easly download latest version? (

same repository. Just look at https://github.com/Kolifanes/plugin.vide...e/releases
so this addon Kolifanes is that working?
Thanks :-)
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