Hi, there is a small bug with beta .50 with modern list and touch/mouse support on (I think it was fine in beta .49):
- then some little problems with options panel under some views which are around since a while:
List / Low List / Panel / Panel Wall / Panel Low / Big Panel / Big Panel Wall / Horizontal Panel
they all have "show big preview" / "show info panel right" buttons not working (as they aren't needed in these views), please just remove them
- Another small graphic issue, this time the combo is Modern Vertical + white theme (default colors): as you can see the top notification banner isn't showing like in other views, therefore the white line is hardly visible. Similar problem with the widget name, but this one is fixable by enabling "show widget panel". This view also still doesn't feature touch control buttons.
- Images speak by theirselves... Anyway the first one is until the online content / logo is loaded (second one which is fine) or for all elements without them
- A small bug with touch input only: changing a setting which opens a popup window, will take to another different section after window confirmation and closure. It's hard to explain with words, please try if you can, otherwise I'll find a way to explain better, maybe a video
One last thing I've something for you: some missing icons for "default kodi actions" under powermenu, please add them
Icons Download
That's all... apart from these small things the beta .50 is very quick and pretty working, I think that we could be near a new stable release of the skin