(2016-04-22, 22:34)Syon25 Wrote: clearing the cache didnt solve it.
i have seen that there are alot of false artist pictures in my music album folders. now i deleted the ones which are often shown as "false picture". if i activate in the addon "artist slideshow" the option "use external first" then really often pictures from 1 artist are shown on other musictracks. if i activate the option "use internal first" then mostly the right picture is shown.
so i think its the fault from artist slideshow. if the problem persists i will post there.
Titan doesn't use the artist slideshow script for music artwork at all but it uses the skinhelper addon to fetch the artwork.
I guess your folder setup of the music is wrong or you have Multi artist albums. While browsing your music library, for example an artist or album, open the context menu and select "Music artwork". There are some options there for you to test. For example in the settings of skinhelper disable local artwork lookups and only use online lookups. After this change use the contect menu again --> refresh item (auto lookup)
If using local artwork lookups the skin/helper expects each artist to be in it's own folder (with the artwork in it), in the artist folder the album folders (with the artwork) and in the album folder the songs of that artist.
This all works well for regular albums from artists. For Multi-artist albums this is giving issues because it will Always return the artwork from the artist in which folder the song is stored. This is still something I'm working out.
(2016-04-22, 22:34)Syon25 Wrote: i cant find the option to change the color of the lyricstext. how is it named? or where to find it?
The lyrics text is currently hardcoded to white with an optional black background blur to make it better readable.
I can offcourse add a setting to specify your own color ?