Update Kodi remotley not on home network via FTP SFTP SSH
I am wondering is there a way to update kodi remotely using a Android M8S box. Via FTP SFTP OR SSH I have come accross many tutorials on how to do this. Providing I am at home and on the same network. And have ssh server installed and set up with user and password on the local M8S box I use. I now need to access a remote M8S box the same way and update it. But all tutorials refer to being on the same network ect can anyone help with this question. I know using teamviewer is possible and have connected this way to a remote Android M8S box.

1. But is this the only option surley not.
2. I would prefer a ftp sftp ssh connection and not go down the teamviewer route.
3. Used tutorial below with SSH server to connect to Android M8S box
4. Using Windows 7 + Linux Debian systems to access Android M8S box

How to backup Kodi using ftp filezilla for Build got me so far : (

This really has nothing to do with kodi and is all about getting round whatever restrictions your firewall/router/isp put in place. At the simplest level open port 22 on your router and point it to your android box. Then you should be able to ssh in remotely. But so will the rest of the world, so a more secure solution like a secure tunnel is a better idea.
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Thanks for the quick reply can you explain a little better please. " At the simplest level open port 22 on your router and point it to your android box " I want to access remote android boxes.
I understand the firewall issue a little and can access my own box at home with no problem when at home ect. The problem is accesing other remote boxes not at my home or on the same network.

Don't you mean I open port 22 on THE REMOTE ROUTER firewall/router/isp and create a secure tunnel from my home to the remote box.
I am still a little confused has to what you mean please if you could clarify a little better for me again.

Yes I mean on the remote router.
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ok I understand better now thanks for helping out will research it some more

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Update Kodi remotley not on home network via FTP SFTP SSH0