Hello Madnox team, great work on new RC2, wow!!! I don't see how you guys keep coming up with ways to make this skin better and better!!
A few things
Music shelf3D view (artist level, the 3D look) I noticed the logos are too far to the left and cuts off some logos, I found setting it to <left>280</left> is the best.
Also when you enable spine text, the text is only on the spine for the focused artist and is too far too the left for non focused artists. Changing it from <left>-519</left> to <left>-505</left> solves the issue.
Genre shows twice, simply deleting the one under music fixes the issue.
Note I only use shelf3D for artist level in music so don't know if this causes issues with other stuff.
If you wanna see what the changes look like, here is my file
When you use sets movie submenu and showcase view=boxsets, the poster is still missing. (and you don't use group movies in sets)
To fix that, in Includes_Viewtypes.xml
<control type="image"> <!-- Posters Poster right -->
<texture background="true" diffuse="thumbs/movieposter_mask.png">$VAR[ListPosterVar]</texture>
<bordertexture border="-50">thumbs/poster_shadow.png</bordertexture>
<animation effect="rotatey" center="auto" start="-45" end="45" time="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
<camera x="1250" y="370"/>
<animation effect="zoom" end="112" time="0" delay="0" reversible="false" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
<visible>![StringCompare(Control.GetLabel(4420),fourthumbs) | StringCompare(Control.GetLabel(4420),fanart) | StringCompare(Control.GetLabel(4420),extrathumbs)]</visible>
And after add:
<!-- Posters for sets: ShadowTek -->
<control type="image">
<texture background="true" diffuse="thumbs/movieposter_mask.png">$VAR[ListPosterVar]</texture>
<bordertexture border="-50">thumbs/poster_shadow.png</bordertexture>
<animation effect="rotatey" center="auto" start="-45" end="45" time="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
<camera x="1250" y="370"/>
<animation effect="zoom" end="112" time="0" delay="0" reversible="false" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
<!-- END Posters for sets: ShadowTek -->
Great work. Also I have no issues at all with logos anymore so great job fixing all of that!
EDIT: PS.. If you want me to post a before and after image of the fixes let me know.
EDIT2: Double checked other items for shelf view (ie TVShows and movies) all looks perfect..